Less interactions inside of the pillow factory?

I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. You’re free to have your opinion, I am stating the “fact” of what was going though my head. From a production stand-point, the ending was not “rushed”, that is a fact. You might have felt it was “rush” from a narrative stand-point, and that’s fine. I do not, it was exactly how I wanted it. I like the ending, it wasn’t a compromise or rushed through, it was exactly how I wanted it. Reading all these comments, I still would not change a thing about it.

But you are free to dislike it. That’s art. I don’t know if you’ve ever created something like this, but I guarantee that a bunch of people will hate it (and a bunch will love it) That’s the way it goes. I’m used to that. People HATED the ending of Monkey 2 when it came out.

A lot of people like the ending to Thimbleweed Park. I’m glad some people like it, some people hate it, and some people are just confused by it. That was all be design.