Netflix (and other VOD) recommendations

Boo, that’s a shame.

Episode 8 opens with narration:

" For as long as I can remember I always wanted to be a…


“Oh hai Goodfellas spoof!”



Yes :slightly_smiling_face:

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I absolutly love the way movie references work on this show. They´re not too on the nose, just taking the tinest bits of most recognizable elements of something without being too on he nose by accuratly recreating costumes, sets, music or godforbid name dropping. Just right in the way that those you can recognise it recognise it without irritating the others (looking at you TwP). You don´t see that too often these days.

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Strange… can’t you login to the italian Netflix? Is that blocked by IP? Maybe with a VPN you can solve…

And furthermore strange because italian is one of the 4 official languages in Switzerland. Since netflix holds the contents in italian, why not broadcast them in Switzerland? That’s a mistery, to me.

Especially considering that you would even expect french to be more prominently featured there.

I tried, but VPNs are not allowed.

I also asked why, they told me it’s due to agreements with distributors, Switzerland is mostly a German speaking market and thus they have the rights to provide shows mostly in German. It will probably change in the future, by now I have to tell them that no, you can’t watch that movie, it’s German only.

But, hey, at least they have He Man and the Masters of the Universe in Italian. Ilaria loved it :stuck_out_tongue:

What else do you need really? I mean come on!


Finished “Spaced” last night. That was really great. And I´d never had expected Ricky Gervais to pop up in the place where he did. Was just a very small part but turned out to be important for the plot.

But I didn´t see any GA poster in Tim´s room. Just a Buffy The Vampire Slayer one he prayed to on one occasion.

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I’m glad you enjoyed it :slightly_smiling_face: oh I don’t remember RG in it, heheh.

It’s a shame it got cut short, but at least it was preserved at its peak. And apparently they were going to get Daisy and Tim together which I think might’ve ruined the dynamic.

If you get a chance I’d recommend Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre Podcast where he interviews Simon Pegg. It’s really funny and he’s such a down to Earth dude.

Hm, I must be thinking of something else. That’s going to bug me now!

He was the operator responsible for the “only professional couples allowed” part of Marsha´s add, when it turns out she never requested that.

Oh yeah, I was glad they left that open even in the closing montage.

Turns out Brian Blessed was on that, too! Sorry Simon, I think you´ll understand why I have to postpone you, now.

Ohhh, haha! After all that :laughing:

Funnily enough the Spaced house went up for sale recently. We were all having a nose at work. It’s sold now so the link I had doesn’t work, boo.

I have that one downloaded but haven’t listened yet :slightly_smiling_face:

Is that cockroach image from The X-Files? War of the Corphrages? Or is that just where my brain goes?

If it was up long enough, maybe try to put the link into:

There is also video of that. It´s Brian Blessed, so you gotta watch that, too! :slight_smile:

Yup. It´s from Creepshow (the final segment).

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Yay, that worked!

Spaced house

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What’s it like to live here?

Broadband speed at this location

#21stCenturyPriorities :joy:

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Next up for me is Glow, which I hear great things about:

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Blimey. Sounds different!

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This is really disappointing.

GOOD PLACE is one of the cleverest funniest and downright subversive things America has ever produced.

A sitcom where a woman goes to heaven only to find her being there is a mistake.

Also, while you are at it, if you like Stand Up, Freezing Hot is on there and Iliza Shlesinger is amazing