OK, I’m curious before I delve into it too deeply: Do you really die all that much in the game?
From what I can remember, you usually can tell when you are about to try something dangerous. So save. It’s part of the humor of the game. I can’t remember if an ‘undo’ option is available to go back to the previous command. Many of the later Infocom games had this feature.
I can remember one particular point near the beginning where I kept dying. I don’t remember there being an undo option but could be wrong. But I’d say persevere - as @besmaller says it’s part of the humour.
I am puzzled because if I lie down in front of the bulldozer, Ford Prefect comes but then gives me a towel and walks away. If I try following him, I die. (I haven’t had much time to try things)
Yeah I think that’s where I got stuck for a while in the original text adventure. I can’t actually remember what I did…
(By the way some of the unblurred parts of your post could be considered spoilers.)
I have just finished playing the first chapter of “Stories Untold” and I managed to avoid an heart attack. The game tried really hard to stop the heartbeat but I always play horror games with a defibrillator and a double dose of adrenaline aside. It’s a very good game, so far.
Hm, that looks interesting and I like the retro style. I’m not so good with jump scares these days though - the older I get the longer it takes me to recover!
That made me think of that Dr Who game where you can’t blink: http://www.bbc.co.uk/taster/projects/doctor-who-dont-blink-game
Edit: oh, it might not be playable anymore…
I remember playing Silent Hill on the PlayStation 2 and getting scared out of my wits! Every time the radio started to crackle with noise alerting me to imminent supernatural danger, I would start sweating and freak out.
And don’t get me started about those weird and creepy nurses right out of a freaky Marilyn Manson video!
I had to play that game with the lights on, and my wife on the sofa to keep me company…
I loved that game, though. Hehehe.
I just discovered a very interesting gateway remake, with a point&click UI , with some fixed verbs and some dynamic verbs (dependent on the object you are pointing):
has someone played it? Is it better to play the old one or the remake?
Do you have a link?
The Gateway remake is great. So immersive.
But I think the UI just spoiled a puzzle (you point the mouse on the crate, and the dynamic verb “get in” appears. Later, also “climb table”.).
Just bought it!
Too bad Bob Bates broke his hand. Otherwise it would have been released already.
I just bought “The Pawn”, remade by strandgames for 2.29€ on iOS. I like the Magnetic Scrolls games but never played The Pawn. Here is my chance.
On the Infocom side, “Wishbringer” and “Zork Zero” remain my favorite. As far as homebrew IF scene goes, “Slouching toward Bedlam” is quite amazing (and free). The “Hobbit” for Speccy was also quite good for its time.
Wishbringer Cover (1985)
Zork Zero in-game map (1988)
Slouching Toward Bedlam Concept (2003)
The Hobbit parser (1982)
Too bad there is no Thaumistry forum. I feel the need to go there and start harassing Bob Bates… Good move, Bob.
Holy mostaccioli, the Imps are at it again! Thanks for the heads up. Too bad they plan it sans feelies.
thaumistry will be released on sept 29 (for backers)
I’m very excited for that release.
I just became aware of a text adventure called Edifice. Evidently, it won a few awards in interactive fiction competitions back in 1997. I don’t know how I missed it previously! A couple of the awards it won were for best NPC, and best individual puzzle. After playing it now for an hour, I can see why. Wow. If you like very well crafted puzzles that tie strongly into into the game, combined with realistic NPCs… you have to check this out. This game has everything I love about a well-made text adventure.