Survey: TP or TWP?

At my uni I was in a lab whose name was an “acronym” basically taking random letters from the inside of the description just to make the acronym look good.

TWP, a game by TTB, written by RG, GW and DF.

So, what’s the acronym for @milanfahrnholz? Is it MF or MFH? What does PoK think?

What about ZPMK? TT? S1? Is Gffp an acronym? And what if Ema is an acronym?

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Correct, even if, in videogames HI-Scores, my signature is “ZAK” because it’s limited to 3 chars :wink:

I’m “GUG” for obvious reasons, but as a child I was “FAX”. That’s because “FAB” was already taken by my father and I needed a way of distinguishing our high scores in our C64 :stuck_out_tongue:

MAF (I have a middle name)

From the German point of view it would be MFH because we have three words: Milan, Fahrn and Holz. (Fahrn is the name of a suburb, but the origin might be in the word Farn = fern, while Holz = wood.)

/edit: Milan was faster. :slight_smile:

Cool! :slight_smile: I have the perfect logo:


S1 is in Germany the abbreviation for the line 1 of the S-Bahn type of trains:

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That might be the more accurate variant. It used to be Varenholz which in old german meant “Vor dem Holz”.

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Change avatar then :smiley: that “S” is feeling lonely.

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There is another possibility: “Fahrnis” means “movable capital” or “movable property”. Maybe your ancestors were rich…?

Nah - I don’t want to get questions from the Germans in this forum about the departure time of their trains… :wink:

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I got this info from a text by a genalogist, who wrote about our ancestry many many years ago. I think they just lived a place near the woods.


An acceptable alternative would be MM:TNG!
Source: (comment from Zuckerberg)

I can’t remember seeing it mixed-case before. Btw. 2-letter acronyms are always bad since they can mean anything. Twin Peaks? Twisted Pair? Toilet Paper? 3-letter ones are at least a little bit better in this regard.


So when can expect the inevitable spin-off MM:DT9 (Maniac Mansion: Deep Tube 9)?

Sounds like a quest by Delores to find/make the perfect tube capable of deep learning.


Today We Party!


Tonight we perish! :frowning:

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Tomorrow Will Prevail! :sun_with_face:


Tenfold Waffle Plum. :pancakes: :yum:


The Workloadless People.

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The Woeful Partypooper! :angry: