The official abbreviation for the title “Thimbleweed Park” is TWP (see blow).
And in your opinion? It should be …
- TP
- Something else (please explain it in a post)
0 voters
The official abbreviation for the title “Thimbleweed Park” is TWP (see blow).
And in your opinion? It should be …
0 voters
It’s TWP. This is not open for debate.
Well…the nitpicker in me says that the way acronyms work is that you put the first letter of each word and make a word out of those (another nitpicker just said that neither TwP nor TP are words, so it´s just an abbreviation). So it should be TP since it is not Thimble Weed Park but Thimbleweed Park. Of course you can say it works for syllables or wordsparts too, but in the end I think they were just going for something more distinctive so TwP is more unique than TP, as I think I have pointed out in another thread already (utliizing a Beavis & Butthead reference for that , no less).
Obviously, you’re free to call it what ever you want, but the official acronym is TWP. It has been that since the start of the project. The acronym for Lucasfilm Ltd. (The name of the company back then) was LFL and we used it for filename .ext on the SCUMM files.
With rare exceptions, I always break acronyms on sylabiles not words.
Yeah, there´s obviously two ways to do that. And I have seen that elsewhere before, of course. But I get the impression that variant is somewhat rare, but impressions can always be deceiving.
In the case of Thimbleweed Park TwP is certainly the better and more distinct one. Though I noticed you write it in all caps while I (and I think others here, too?) usually write TwP.
Thanks! I wasn’t aware that this is official. So I’ve changed the question above.
In German there are more than two ways. The German Wikipedia article provides a good overview:
I don’t know if this is valid for English too - according to the English Wikipedia it seems so (Maybe we need again the help of Supergrammargirl @PiecesOfKate! )
It was Lucas, Film and Ltd (= three nouns), even if it was written as Lucasfilm. So LFL would be correct in terms of @milanfahrnholz’ rule…
There shouldn´t be any rules named after me. The Lex Milan Fahrnholz couldn´t be anything but a terrible thing.
But maybe interesting. Beside that, I like weird rules.
Funnily enough it occurred to me recently that I’ve been using TWP all this time, when I probably should’ve called it TP or at least TwP. But as it turns out
Maybe that’s where I picked it up from then.
I think abbreviations tend to use the first letter of each word, but I guess there’s no solid rule. Plus companies bend those traditions all the time to suit branding and advertising.
Another question:
How should I properly abbreviate my Torchwhip Plaything™?
and I cannot lie. You motherthimbles can’t deny.
It was right about the time this song and “Who let the dogs out” started being played in almost every other Simpsons episode that I knew the show had become unwatchable.
Yes, and I have to “squeeze” them regularly into the German language. The results are hilarious words. For example if you follow the Duden rules then we have to use an Iphone …
Earworms! Earworms! Arghhh…
woof woof woof woof
But what if you need it for work?