The hypothetical "Ron gets Maniac Mansion IP" thread

When the game was licensed for TV, it started out very close to the show. Gary and I had no say in how the show developed. We did get a “memo” every few weeks with changes they were making. After a few months, it was just comical. It was basically handed over to the production company (not Lucasfilm) and they changed what they wanted. It’s unclear if they people developing the show even played the game (probably not, games we far from mainstream back then).


actually this is happening even more today…

[quote=“RonGilbert, post:61, topic:332”]
It’s unclear if they people developing the show even played the game (probably not, games we far from mainstream back then).
[/quote]Why bother licensing the IP in the first place then?

Because Lucasfilm had a licensing department, and their job was to go out and convince people to license stuff, and apparently they did a good job. Licensing video games was new back then, and I think Lucasfilm Licensing was curious. They were also in the same building as us, on the 2nd floor.


obviously you know the subject way better than me–I get older computer gamers knowing DOTT better than MM (and I’m sure the re-release helped with some newer fans), but amongst people I know, Maniac Mansion is waaaaaaaay more popular than DOTT because of the NES port. Like, when I made a thread on a non-video game board with people who are mostly my age (mid 30s) tons of people ranked MM as a top 5 favorite “old school game.” Not a single person mentioned DOTT.

Do you have any kind of ideas for numbers of NES Maniac Mansion sales vs computer? And also is there any way to account for physical rentals from so long ago? Probably not. But I’d imagine tons of people renting Maniac Mansion for NES compared to people buying computer releases of MM or DOTT. I don’t remember any place renting out computer games.

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Isn’t there anyone here who is willing to pursue a career at Disney to become CEO and finally donating the IP to Ron? Come on, it shouldn’t be that difficult.

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Then why don’t you try it? :wink:

Maybe someone is already infiltrating it, we just don´t know it yet. Maybe he´s just starting out and right now is very low down the ladder working dressed in a Goofy costume getting kicked in the nuts by ten year olds at Disney World. Fight on you brave warrior I say, fight on! Sorry, where was I?!

You was just right before sending me 1.000 Dollars…

I´m starting to sense trend of you trying to exploit my ADD… Anyway, Tuna Salad!

I can’t, I came back from Disneyland Paris a couple of days ago and they knew I was up to something so they closed the Pirates of the caribbean ride. They’d suspect me if I tried.

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Some years ago a Fan-Made Prequel has been released, acknowleding ALL the extended information from the College Blackboard Poster.

Unfortuneatly its only avaiable in German yet.


WTF?! Lawyer Brant Bailiwick is in this video at the very beginning?! :smiley:

By the way, It looks like someone made Minecraft skins for most of the Maniac Mansion characters. Some look better than others, but it’s a worth a chuckle…

Not quite what I had in mind, but I guess that’s one way to make a multi-player version!

is he trolling or could my dream come true???


Make her aqua damnit!

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I like the original color better. It added to the jump scare as she blended in better with the refrigerator.
C64 1987

_Apple II_1987

DOS v1 1988

The cyan/aqua was only introduced in the updated port for Amiga and Atari ST in 1989** and then found its way to the DOS v2 and NES re-issue.

For a comprehensive comparison:

**: Zak was released on Amiga about half a year before MM was!


There’s actually a long discussion about this earlier in the thread, which I was calling back to with my reference.

…and… following that thread… there could be a remaster of Zak McKracken, too!
