[community game] The Christmas Thimbleweed Park Quiz

Because you´d rather live in both or in neither?

Remember both places are ruled by raging lunatics:



Well, more that if I had to live in one of them I wouldn’t know which to choose. I guess in one scenario, I’d lose my mind, and in the other, all my teeth.

Now, what do you reckon is easier replaceable?

Which one is which?

The real question is: Hearing Oompa Loompas singing a song once in a while is nice.
But do you want to hear them day in day out? :scream: :gun:

Oh btw.: You don’t need teeth to consume chocolate… :slight_smile:

On the other hand you´ve got pigeons telling you about strong signals all the time and every employee of the town has an annoying language tick.

And there is this thing called “dentures” while I haven´t heard of a second mind so far…:exploding_head:

Thing is, I have a bit of a history of classic recurring dreams about my teeth falling out. If that dream was realised, I would probably, in turn, lose my mind. So it’s a kinda lose-lose situation.

Ooh. A chocolate drip. That’s probably not what you meant, but where my brain is taking me.

What about combining the two worlds? Digging oompa loomas? A sentient Chocotron™?


This can could be indicative of a fear of growing older or (if it goes farther back) according to Jung either a fear of loosing control or anticipation of renewal and change. :nerd_face:

That one, most likely. I remember reading it commonly represents a fear of losing people around you, too. I’ve not had it for a little while though, come to think of it. I no longer need to check all my teeth are there when I wake up :+1:

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That´s good. I know that dream myself and I actually check everytime that happens. But the intervals are usually very big so recurring would probably the false word.

Dreams are nothing to be afraid of really they…hey, how did we get to this anyway? That´s what I like about off-topic you never know what interesting places you may find yourself in eventually. :upside_down_face:

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I’ve always been fascinated by dreams, and keep a diary of the interesting ones. I’ve had a few lucid dreams too, which are so intense.

Likewise. I don’t agree with rigid rules about sticking to the topic. Real-life conversations aren’t like that.

Oh yeah me too! The “do whatever you like because you know you can” phase is usually very short though, but great if it does happen.

Same - brief but amazing. I ‘flew’ a bit in mine but it took me a while to trust it would work! :smile:

My dad says he used to fly in his dreams a lot more when he was younger and it worries him a bit that somehow his body seems to be giving in even in his dreams. :laughing:

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I’m more of the falling-kind of dreamer.

I also had such teeth-falling-out dream at least once, but it’s not a recurring one. It doesn’t really bother me (at least when awake) as it’s something technology can easily fix :slight_smile:

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I heard about those. But never head one. The worst about the one with the teeth is the very short shock, but it´s always followed by relief. I never had a root canal so far and hope to keep it that way.

I also think the first Nightmare On Elm Street is very realistic in many aspects how dreams actually work. There is this one scene where Nancy conciously tries to wake up by pressing her arm against a hot steam pipe. And that´s true. You can´t feel pain in a dream. When you try to hurt yourself or commit suicide you wake up. Maybe because your subconcious mind is unable to process those feelings in a dream and then you sort of reboot or something.

In real life I sometimes get the feeling I’m dreaming (since having lucid dreams I don’t trust my reality!) When that happens I used to say out loud “I’m not dreaming” four times, and that worked for a while because I never said that in my dreams, so I knew I was awake… until one day my brain apparently cottoned on and tricked me :cry: haha.

I’ve just remembered that in my last lucid dream I was arguing with a soldier about whose dream we were in. I was convinced it was mine, but he was trying to tell me it was his. One of my friends suggested what if we were both having that dream that night, which really freaked me out.

That´s one of the strangest things I´ve ever heard. I´m currently watching the Twllight Zone and that would fit in nicely as a plot for an episode!

I know - I woke up and was like WHAT THE ACTUAL F… The weird thing is I guess I was technically arguing with myself, since I created that dude in the dream. Presumably :neutral_face:

Haha, it would!

When you say “soldier” I´m picturing something like this. Am I close?

Hm, no not really. He was in a more modern uniform, minus the field headwear, and black. This was during an all-out apocalyptic war - he was trying to help me find refuge. You know, until he got all narky.