Favourite TWP Location

I love this shot of the Quickie Pal exterior. There’s just (beer!) something about it


Have you ever noticed that the inside space is not coherent with the outside of the quickie pal building? This is one of the rare places where this happens, while generally graphic art builds an accurate space.
That’s a thing that I cannot bear in any way :grin: I also don’t like the way the third wall is broken in the bathroom. I love the backgrounds from Mark, anyway.

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I never noticed that before :slight_smile:. And yeah, Mark Ferrari is a true artistic genius! His sense of light and dynamic is just incredible! Small touches like this really elevate the game

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Have you ever played Maniac Mansion…? :wink:


My favourite TWP location is the very last one before the ending credits (I don’t want to show it, because of spoiler).
But if you have finished TWP, you well know which one is.


The Nickel News for its nostalgia factor. Plus I like Natalie’s personality. :slight_smile:


Here you can compare how the exterior needs to look like:

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