Guga's Adventure Game Thread


OK, Guga, Someone can’t wait. Can you release the game, just for him, today?


I’m not saying all the strife and impossible madness in the world is because Flabbington hasn’t been released early. Ok I changed my mind, I’m now saying exactly that.


It has been a stressful period now that I think of it.

Buuut we only have 30 days to go, we can wait :laughing:



Don’t forget to wishlist if you haven’t already!


I have bought it already! :smiley:




Coming out TODAY.

I’d click that release button now, but I want to have some promo images ready to spam every social.


Aaaand, it’s out, on all three stores!


Really great so far! Very professional. Plays perfectly on the steam deck, too!


Congratulations Guga! :tada: A funny and challenging game experience!

My review on GOG

The Will of Arthur Flabbington is a game that will entertain you from the beginning to the end.

The first chapter will introduce you to the game, with a limited number of puzzles in a small set, helping to gain confidence with the interface and the game mechanics.
Then the game opens wide, puzzles becomes many with a lot of things to do. Difficulty is quite challenging: like in the best tradition of the genre, I found myself closing the session with no clue on how to go on, and restarting the game some time after with the right insight to the solution. Puzzles are fair and there is no pixel hunting or other kind of frustrating experiences. An attention to details offered by lines of dialogues and readable objects is enough to center the solution, with a little help from lateral thinking.
The story is well written as well as the dialogues, with a lot of funny lines that made me laugh several times.
Graphics are interesting. They switch from the simple reminescence of the limited features and palette of the first games of the genre, to a new exploration of the possibilities of pixel drawings, with a capable use of perspective, dithering-like shades, all the millions of colors now at our disposal, in a visually satisfing experience overall. Animations too are nice and fitting.
Music highlighs well the tone of the sceneries, being an appropriate accompaniment to the game experience, with the main theme emerging prominently. Voices are amazing and really bring characters to life.
References and quotes to the best games of the genre are there too, expecially from the Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts, but they never really weight down the experience, being just a sparkle for the experienced eye, often raising a smile.
It’s a game that definitively hails Gugames as a very fine performer of this genre, being capable of measure out all the ingredients needed to achieve a rewarding result.


Thanks! I saw your review this morning and I was very happy :smile:


But my review is still the most voted :smiling_imp:


I don’t understand GOG well enough, why are you not a verified user?

Hmmm… I guess because I don’t own it in my gog library. Originally it was available for backers only on steam or and I decided for the latter.

I have played about 5 sessions of an hour. Man, this game is hard!
I like it.

Funny nods to some of your older games in there too. I see a general theme appearing across all of them: Death & Metal (and any combination thereof)


Yes, those are the main Gugathemes.
But in the game, you’ll also find some of the most famous subGugaTopics… Elderly people, pizza and suggestive vegetables.


Played for an hour or two and I’m with @bongobrain

It’s those small touches, like how all the sub-locations get added to the map once you explored a bit around the initial map marker. Or how clicking on a map location does not just open it immediately, but actually shows the character walking there, with the dots along the way changing color too. None of that would be strictly required, but it’s the kind of polish that distinguishes the pros from the amateurs :slight_smile:.

Puzzles so far were also fun. I don’t think I solved any in Act 2 yet, but those in Act 1 were set up nicely, with plenty of environmental hints which more or less subtly showed what had to be done.

And the humor is great, too. Already had to laugh a few times. Though the toilet was gross … I guess my imagination is a bit too vivid to appreciate that kind of situation … especially not right after dinner.



Speaking of small touches, Act2 is full of hidden things, especially once Artie becomes more useful don’t forget to try stuff :smile:

It’s normal, it starts with a big loading part where you add tasks to your todo list, then everything clicks.


Oh, BTW… the game won Best Puzzles at the AGOTY Awards 2023 :partying_face: