Monkey Island cross-stitch

Continuing the discussion from Cross-stitch Thimbleweed Park characters by Emily Morganti:

Yesterday the Monkey Island cross-stitch by Bethany Aston was finally completed!



So, if I order one I need patience.

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Impressive. Very very impressive.

I don’t think this is the problem: It would probably cost a fortune… :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:

So, will there be an eBay auction too?

Yes, I’ve followed her progress since I think when the first map piece was about done.

Did she make all the pieces separately and go on a quest to put them together?


Two fun facts:

  1. She stitched Guybrush’s thumbs as well!
  2. She posed for a celebrative pic which would make her famous wearing her embarrassing socks.