Non gamer converted into adventure game fan

Wow, a big thank you to everybody for all the answers. I even got one from mr. Gilbert himself! :slight_smile:

Yes. Gorgeous graphics is more or less a given these days, so it all boils down to the preference of style and Amanita is perfect for her in that regard. But she likes those games mostly because all exposition of story and plot is given without any text or loooong movies/videos that you have to wade through. Just short comic book ballons with some animation and that’s it. Plus, for a novice gamer it’s really great because most of the puzzles take place on only one screen. So you solve one and move on to the next. Nice system for introduction to adventure games.

She also liked brief plot introduction to Monkey Island.

“I am Guybrush Threepwood and I want to be a pirate.”

And that’s it. You don’t need to know anything else, you are already invested. Just start playing. Great intro, one of the best.

Remake. Although I can’t say I like it much. Yes, graphics is better and all, but there is something off, but I can’t put my finger on it. Best description would be that it lacks ‘warmth’ of the original graphics. I am not sure I like the cartoony close-ups either.

Well, she is playing the game, I am only watching. I have to admit she is a natural. After two hours she is almost done with the first part (The Three Trials).

Since she is not as tall as me (me being an eloganted vertical worm or a wooden electricity pole with glasses on top) I have to pick up stuff from upper shelves and since TWP she is calling me PickaTron3000.

Too bad about the money in gaming industry. I hope mr. Gilbert and his associates will be able to make games they want without going into any personal financial loss. A shame, really. :frowning: