the atmosphere , music and art are exceptional. The humor is great too.
The problem is the puzzles feel extremely underclued. I passed the seller’s riddle by brute force, without understanding the logic of the three numbers. IMO there is a design flaw in that riddle: before you can gather enough examples to understand what the logic is, it takes too long, because you have to guess right several times. That is unlike the corresponding Monkey 2 puzzle, where you can watch examples of correct answers whenever you want. To fix it, as soon as you enter the location, you could re-show the guy in black giving the correct answer again.
Anyway, after brute forcing the puzzle, I find out the seller has items I can’t buy. Fair enough. So I move on.
Then, in the gnome location, there is a “ditch” and I have no clue what it its. The description is too short. There’s also a dolmen and you have no clue why it’s there, whether someone could be in it, or whether you see something inside the gap. The descriptions should be more descriptive. Inside the house, I got the coin, and I smashed the bucket twice for no particular reason (but fair enough. a nice timed puzzle after all) and then the plank was revealed. I took the stick and put it in the first gnome’s hand. But I can’t seem to put anything on it. This quest feels underclued: why am I messing with gnomes? I recognize that Monkey2 was similar, when I had to put the telescope in the statue’s hand. But there was a story behind it, about an ancient pirate hideout, which justified that strange mechanism. What’s the backstory here instead? Why would messing with gnomes help me find the shaman?
Also, why can’t I move the curtain when there’s clearly something hidden behind it? She should at least acknowledge it.
Anyway, I took the mirror on the cliff top, the arrow, the wanted poster, the fox tail. I tried to use these items with all the gnomes, to no avail. Now I’m stuck and it really feels like the game is underclued. I guess I am missing a companion with whom to sum up the situation and focus my efforts. When you are stuck, you need characters that acknowledge your progress and point you in the right direction, without giving spoilers. Anyway, I see the chief is aware of my progress, and tells me to focus on that place, and discover what happened to the shaman.
Fair enough I guess.
I’ll keep playing. It’s nice to have a game as hard as Monkey 2, but damn, this one is hard right from the start