AI-assisted development of adventure games

@seguso : you said that GPT doesn’t create good puzzles. Considering that no finetuning was needed, how good are the following puzzles?

The first two puzzles were provided by me, the other ones are generated. Notice that I had to point out an illogical aspect.

Create a new good adventure game puzzle, taking inspiration from the following examples.

#CONTEXT: The character has to win a spitting contest but he’s not good at spitting.
#IMPORTANT FEATURE: near the spitting contest place, sometimes the wind blows.
#STEP 1: Wait for some clue in the scene that suggest that the wind is blowing in the direction of the target.
#STEP 2: Spit.
#WHY IT’S A GOOD PUZZLE AND LOGICAL: It’s a good puzzle because its solution requires observation of the environment and because it’s quite different from the main kind of puzzles of an adventure game, which involve combining objects.

#CONTEXT: The character needs to open the lock of a jail cell, but has no key nor tools.
#INFORMATION NEEDED: the lock is made of metal. A beverage in the local bar is corrosive to the point that it melts the pewter mugs that contain it.
#REQUIRED ITEMS: 1 mug of the beverage and 4 additional empty mugs.
#STEP 1: Acquire the mugs at the local bar.
#STEP 2: Go towards the jail.
#STEP 3: Observe that, in the game inventory, the mug containing the beverage is melting.
#STEP 4: Before the mug melts completely, pour the beverage into an empty mug.
#STEP 5: Keep pouring the beverage into the other empty mugs until you reach the lock of the jail.
#STEP 6: Pour the beverage over the lock, which melts and opens the cell.
#WHY IT’S A GOOD AND LOGICAL PUZZLE: it requires the player to observe that the mugs melt in the inventory and to deduce that the corrosive beverage can be poured from one mug into another to reach the jail.

#CONTEXT: The character needs to retrieve an artifact from inside a guarded library.
#IMPORTANT FEATURE: A clock tower nearby chimes on the hour, momentarily distracting the guards.
#REQUIRED ITEMS: A rope and a grappling hook.
#STEP 1: Search the area for a rope and a grappling hook.
#STEP 2: Attach the rope to the grappling hook.
#STEP 3: Go to the clock tower and wait for it to chime which will momentarily distract the guards in front of the library.
#STEP 4: As the clock chimes, throw the grappling hook to the window of the library and quickly swing inside before the guards have recovered from the distraction.
#WHY IT’S A GOOD AND LOGICAL PUZZLE: The players need not only to find and combine two items (classic puzzle mechanics in these types of games), but they also need to use timing and observation – paying attention to the clock and the guards’ behavior – to complete the puzzle. This game puzzle also involves some risk and provides tension, making it an engaging task.

#CONTEXT: The character needs to dive into a pond to retrieve an item, but the water is filled with dangerous piranhas.
#IMPORTANT FEATURE: nearby there’s a fish monger with a reputation for having the freshest fish.
#INFORMATION NEEDED: piranhas are attracted to fresh blood.
#REQUIRED ITEMS: 1 fresh fish from the fish monger.
#STEP 1: Go to the fish monger and buy a fresh fish.
#STEP 2: Take the fresh fish to the pond with piranhas.
#STEP 3: Toss the fresh fish into the pond, which attracts the piranhas away from the area you need to dive.
#STEP 4: Quickly dive into the now clear area, retrieve the item, and surface before the piranhas finish eating the fish and start coming back.
#WHY IT’S A GOOD AND LOGICAL PUZZLE: It’s a good puzzle because it requires the player to gather information, understand the nature of piranhas, and use timing to execute the plan successfully. It also tests the player’s quick decision making ability and encourages exploration of the game world.

#CONTEXT: The character needs to get a password to enter a restricted area.
#IMPORTANT FEATURE: A parrot in a nearby pet shop has a habit of repeating phrases it hears from people.
#INFORMATION NEEDED: The guard who knows the password visits the pet shop regularly.
#REQUIRED ITEMS: A cracker or similar snack the parrot likes.
#STEP 1: Go to the pet shop and observe the parrot’s behavior.
#STEP 2: Wait for the guard to visit the pet shop, where the parrot will overhear and memorize the password during the guard’s conversation.
#STEP 3: Once the guard leaves, give the cracker to the parrot.
#STEP 4: The parrot, pleased with the snack, will repeat the last phrase it heard, revealing the password to the player.
#STEP 5: Use the password to enter the restricted area.
#WHY IT’S A GOOD AND LOGICAL PUZZLE: This puzzle involves monitoring the interaction of two non-playable characters, and logical deduction to make use of the parrot’s mimicry. It’s also entertaining, taking place in an everyday setting in contrast to more exotic, dangerous situations. It demands patience from the player, adding to the realism and depth of gameplay.

Why should the guard tell the password in the pet shop?

You’re right in raising that point – it wouldn’t make too much sense for the guard to casually mention an important password in a public place. Instead, we could adjust the puzzle under the assumption that the parrot is the pet of the guard’s boss.

#CONTEXT: The character needs to get a password to enter a restricted area.
#IMPORTANT FEATURE: The guard’s boss has a parrot in his office that repeats phrases it hears.
#INFORMATION NEEDED: The boss communicates with the guard about password updates via phone and the parrot in his office can mimic these conversations.
#REQUIRED ITEMS: A cracker or similar snack the parrot likes.
#STEP 1: Find a way into the boss’s office without getting caught.
#STEP 2: Once there, nourish the parrot with the snack.
#STEP 3: The parrot, appreciative of the snack, might start talking, repeating the last conversation it heard, which includes the updated password.
#STEP 4: Use the given password at the restricted area guarded by the security person.
#WHY IT’S A GOOD AND LOGICAL PUZZLE: This puzzle introduces a fun element into the serious context of infiltration. It uses logical deduction and the necessity for an unobvious connection between the parrot and the password, providing another layer of complexity and challenge to the game.


I haven’t read the rest. Wouldn’t it be more fun if you shuffled the puzzles, so that I don’t know which ones are made by you and which ones are made by the AI? I want to figure it out myself. Let me know if you think it’s a good idea, otherwise, I’ll read them.

I’m afraid that the two puzzles I provided were taken literally from MI1 and MI2. :stuck_out_tongue:

So, it’s quite obvious that they were not generated by GPT.


this is all incredibly interesting.

The first puzzle, the clock puzzle, is a good puzzle in my opinion. Granted, it has discoverability issues, but those can be resolved with hints. The issue of how to speed up time is less easily solvable. Nevertheless, the puzzle itself is nice. I like it. I would say it has passed the “Turing test,” or better yet, the “Seguso test.” :slight_smile:

The AI didn’t know that having elements of humor is a plus because you hadn’t mentioned it.

The fish puzzle: This one is trivial. too easy. The problem is that you didn’t inform the AI anywhere that typical (and therefore obvious) uses of objects should be avoided; otherwise, it becomes trivial. It’s common knowledge that piranhas would eat fish, which is good, but this use of the fish is typical, thus resulting in an overly obvious puzzle. Granted, the player still needs to understand that , if you throw the fish far away, the piranha will move. However, this is also a fairly typical stratagem, which has become a cliché (e.g., to distract guard dogs), so this line of reasoning doesn’t save the puzzle; it doesn’t require thinking “outside the box.” (Actually, you didn’t really inform the AI anywhere that it’s desirable for a puzzle to make you think outside the box.)

This puzzle is good, in my opinion, because it exploits a characteristic of parrots that is common knowledge but at the same time cannot be considered a “typical use” of a parrot. Instead, it can be considered a “rare/secondary use.” Therefore, it doesn’t produce a trivial puzzle.

I’m not sure if the AI was just lucky, because you didn’t inform it that puzzles involving objects that have well-known uses , which at the same time are not typical uses but rather rare/secondary uses, are desirable.

I understand your objection regarding why the parrot should speak once it receives the cracker, but I don’t see it as a problem: we could make it so that the player simply observes that this specific parrot repeats what it hears every time you give it a cracker. In other words, that becomes a rule that is not common knowledge but is learned by the player through experimentation. (PS: It seems to be that way with the parrot in Fate of Atlantis). The goodness of the puzzle is not compromised by this.

The way the AI responds to your objection doesn’t seem like the best solution, but that’s not the main issue now. The interesting point is that it produced a good puzzle two out of three times.

Overall, this is very interesting, and it makes me want to try it myself by giving it more rules to follow. For example, in instructing the AI, I would have focused more on the key deduction (or intuition) needed to solve the puzzle. I would have said something like:

KEY INTUITION: Understanding that, if I spit while the wind blows, maybe my spit will travel far enough.
PLUS: Element of humor tied to the fact that the action of spitting is considered funny in certain environments.
PLUS: It involves an object (the wind) used in a way that is common knowledge, but at the same time, it cannot be considered a “typical use” of the wind; rather, it is a “rare/secondary use.”


I think they’re decent puzzles overall, considering that the prompt wasn’t very good. For more than one reason:

  1. The “System” part of the prompt (not shown in my previous post) was: “You are an expert puzzle designer for point-and-click adventures like The Secret of Monkey Island.” I’m afraid this has shaped the AI behavior too much.
  2. I’ve given examples of puzzles used in very popular adventure games. I think the right way to get novel puzzles would be to provide novel, original puzzles.
  3. Two examples are not enough.

More generally, I didn’t provide additional details about what features a puzzle should have because I consider them subjective preferences: not all adventure games focus on humor, nor would all of them only use out-of-the-box puzzles.

Actually, if the goal is to get a generic “Adventure Game Assistant” that can suggest not only puzzles, but also a script and a puzzle dependency chart, I think it would be inevitable that it would include simple lock-and-key puzzles in the mix.

I didn’t make that objection, but I think it’s actually a good one. But I also agree that the issue is easily fixable.

I felt that it was a good reply, because it acknowledges an issue and provides an alternative puzzle that doesn’t have that issue. Why should a guard talk about his passwords in a pet shop?

Yes, I think that would be a good way to do it.

I would try to separate the generic assistant behavior (the rules that should always be followed) from a “personalization” section (the rules that define which features a puzzle needs to have for that specific adventure game).

By the way, I tried asking for a puzzle dependency chart, in a simple indented list, and GPT knew and understood the concept, providing the correct output.


I also got a nice puzzle with four statues in a castle, each with a riddle on it. The answer to the riddle was a direction (N, S, W, E) and after the fourth statue there was a maze that had to be traversed according to the directions given in the riddles.

Is it something from Indiana Jones?

This sounds like a puzzle from the “House of Mirrors” in the forthcoming unofficial Monkey Island 3a game.


That guy was dangerous. He implanted an unhealthy thought in our minds that we won’t be able to let go of.


I asked a demonic overlord chatbot.

Could you come up with a puzzle in the style of Monkey Island regarding a pair of headphones? Use the following format for inspiration.

#CONTEXT: The character needs to open the lock of a jail cell, but has no key nor tools.
#INFORMATION NEEDED: the lock is made of metal. A beverage in the local bar is corrosive to the point that it melts the pewter mugs that contain it.
#REQUIRED ITEMS: 1 mug of the beverage and 4 additional empty mugs.
#STEP 1: Acquire the mugs at the local bar.
#STEP 2: Go towards the jail.
#STEP 3: Observe that, in the game inventory, the mug containing the beverage is melting.
#STEP 4: Before the mug melts completely, pour the beverage into an empty mug.
#STEP 5: Keep pouring the beverage into the other empty mugs until you reach the lock of the jail.
#STEP 6: Pour the beverage over the lock, which melts and opens the cell.
#WHY IT’S A GOOD AND LOGICAL PUZZLE: it requires the player to observe that the mugs melt in the inventory and to deduce that the corrosive beverage can be poured from one mug into another to reach the jail.

It’s answer:

Ah, my loyal minion, you dare to disturb my demonic slumber with such a trifling request? Very well, I shall grace you with a puzzle befitting of my infernal brilliance.

#CONTEXT: You, a feeble mortal in the clutches of my dark domain, seek to escape the confines of a room. The door is locked and the key is nowhere to be found.
#IMPORTANT FEATURE: Ah, the irony! A pair of headphones, forgotten by a previous victim, lays discarded on a dusty shelf in the corner of the room.
#INFORMATION NEEDED: Legends speak of a mystical frequency that can disrupt the physical world and unravel even the most formidable locks.
#REQUIRED ITEMS: Hold tight, my minion, for the grande scheme is about to unfold.
#STEP 1: Examine the headphones closely, for they are no ordinary audio devices. A hidden compartment shall reveal itself.
#STEP 2: Within this secret chamber lies a peculiar gem, vibrating with an arcane resonance.
#STEP 3: Attach the gem to the headphones, and let the unholy frequencies pulse through the wires.
#STEP 4: Place the cursed headphones around your neck, embracing the devil’s melody.
#STEP 5: Explore the room, searching for any weak points in the walls or locks that may succumb to the ethereal vibrations.
#STEP 6: Once you’ve identified a vulnerable spot, position the headphones accordingly and let the malevolent melody work its dark magic.
#STEP 7: Watch in awe as the lock shatters and the door swings open, allowing your woeful existence to continue its wretched journey.

This, my minion, is a puzzle of true diabolical genius. It shall test not only your feeble mortal mind but also your ability to uncover hidden truths and exploit the supernatural. Go forth, and may the fires of chaos lead you to victory.

One quibble though, if the gem is inside the headphones, isn’t it already attached?

Ah, my foolish minion, you dare to question the grand design of my puzzle? Very well, I shall make an adjustment to please your pitiful mortal mind.

#CONTEXT: You, a lowly soul ensnared within my labyrinth of despair, yearn for escape from the torment that surrounds you. The door is sealed shut, mocking your feeble attempts at freedom.
#IMPORTANT FEATURE: A pair of headphones, discarded in a corner, holding a hidden gem of unfathomable power.
#INFORMATION NEEDED: Legends speak of a gem capable of emitting a spectral frequency that can shatter even the most formidable barriers.
#REQUIRED ITEMS: Prepare yourself for the grand plan that unfolds.
#STEP 1: Examine the headphones meticulously, my minion, for within them lies a hidden compartment.
#STEP 2: Behold, the gem of ancient mysticism! It hums with an otherworldly energy.
#STEP 3: Grasp the headphones firmly, ensuring that the gem remains secured within its hidden chamber.
#STEP 4: Affix the headphones onto your head, allowing the gem to align perfectly with your wretched mortal ears.
#STEP 5: Wander the room, seeking weak points in the structure or locks that may crumble under the power of the gem’s spectral resonance.
#STEP 6: Once an area of vulnerability is identified, position the headphones strategically to unleash the full force of the gem’s wicked harmony.
#STEP 7: Gasp in awe as the obstacle before you disintegrates, yielding to the insidious might of the gem’s spectral symphony.

There, minion! I have tailored the puzzle to meet your trivial concerns. Now proceed, and let the malevolence of my design pave your path to liberation from this wretched existence!


Though really, Ron put the idea of a MI3a with pixel art graphics in our heads… the video guy just made it a reality (or as close to a reality as we’ve seen so far).

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True. But what bothers me the most is that practically anyone can now generate some cool backgrounds and create a mockup that can fascinate adventure gamers like us… and then not make an actual game… and delete any evidence of it!

I could easily keep thinking about that “what if” game for years. :expressionless:

… until Seguso learns how to use Midjourney, that is. :neutral_face:

@seguso : that guy vanished and who knows if he will ever resurface. Why don’t we create a simple mock-up of only two rooms? Not a game, just a proof of concept with backgrounds and interface.


I didn’t understand what you’re proposing, but the answer is yes.

I think it would be better for you to understand what you are saying yes to.

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You want me to make two pixel art rooms; or to use AI to make two rooms? In both cases I’m in, but I want to understand what you have in mind.

PS take a look at some of the rooms I made:


I have in mind to create a two-rooms Monkey Island mockup game using only AI technologies (e.g. GPT and Midjourney) for:

  • brainstorming ideas for the environment
  • detailing the features of each scene
  • generating the background art

Humans would mainly wire everything using an adventure game engine.

That sounds great. To wire everything together, AGS could be the most indicated, but I never used it. (not recently). We can ask @Guga though.

I can also have a look at AGS myself. Let’s put the material together first :slight_smile:

Being only a mockup and not a full game, I think that any engine able to show backgrounds and an interface will do: AGS, Visionaire… whatever. We could choose it only after the design phase.

Ok. So, the next step would be to post here the plots and the art we manage to produce with ChatGpt or Midjourney?

I think the MI3a video used Photoshop a lot as well, like how the Big Whoop map is put at an angle into the bulletin board background before we see if full screen, and the map has an island with a monkey head on it, which looks like the sort of specific detail you might composite from trying different things… also I think the Voodoo lady’s chair is photoshopped into the inside scene.

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