[Poll] Ron Gilbert mentions Thimbleweed Park 2: would you buy it?

Memorability in one picture.
Yesterday, at DDC 2023:
Zoé Nguyen Thanh, Rex Crowle, Ron Gilbert, David Fox, Dave Grossman.


Ron talked about Thimbleweed Park sequel in The Pioneers Interview with Ron Gilbert 4 months ago:

It’s something that I’ve been thinking about. I’ve got a lot of notes about Thimbleweed Park sequel, but nothing really firm. It’s a bunch of ideas and they haven’t really solidified down into an actual game yet and until they do that it’s hard to day that. I come up with 10 ideas a year for games and nine of them go absolutely nowhere. So, it’s really hard to say whether it would, but I’ve definitely been toying with it.


I wasn’t really that hot on the first one tbh. I know that’s gonna be an unpopular opinion around here, sorry. My criticisms are also the common ones, although I know some people really stick to the parts others don’t. I don’t want the parts which make this game a cult classic sanded away to appease people like me, but I also might still give a sequel a shot if it looked to potentially improve on the parts i wasn’t so hot on.