Sales for past Lucasfilm games

He’s the former founder of the New Age, spiritual movement. Not sure if he’s mentioned because there are spiritual things in Zak McKracken, or because he’s also a programmer :smiling_face:

He is not. He´s there because he was basically a plot consultant. That´s about it. David Fox met with him for a brainstorming session during very early development for about a day or so. That is why he got a credit I presume.

Thank you, I had read your clear explanation after writing my answer.

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Zak came at a funny point in time for me.

When I first played the game my family subcribed to the Time Life series of books called “Mysteries of the Unknown”.

So I would play the game and look at the books and go:“Oh wow everything in the game is based on things and ideas from the real world!”


Hilarious… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I haven’t thought about those books in so long. The commercials were on TV constantly back then. The correlation with Zak makes total sense now that I think about it.

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Oh I used to find them so creepy! A few of those are on youtube and they´re hilarious in hindsight, but well times were simpler then.

The big pyramid and the sphinx
The Bermuda Traingle and Atlantis
The Face on Mars

It´s all in there! Fun times.

Those books and Zak totally go together in my mind.