Ron: Monkey Island 3a -> why not kickstart it to get Disney's money?

Hello Ron

How much does Disney want for the rights to MI3a ? Can’t we get a quote from them and just kckstart the hell out of it?
I don’t care about giving 50 bucks to Disney as long as I get MI3a!



This forum badly needs an FAQ section.

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They don’t sell the IP. Even if we would throw piles of money at them.

Here let me start this.

Monkey Island 3a
-How much does Disney ask for the rights to Monky Island 3a?
-Can I set up a Kickstarter/Fundraiser to make this project happen?
-Is there anything else we can do?

Future Terrible Toybox Projects
-Will there be a Thimbleweed Park 2?
-Are Ron and Gary working on their next project right now?
-Will there be working on another project in the near future?

Thimbleweed Park
-Who killed Boris and Franklin?
-Did I miss any hidden endings?
-Some deep hidden symbolism gobbledygook that I missed?

Now all we need to do is collect the answers in the corresponding threads, pin a topic and direct everyone after they´ve signed up here.


I’ve done it for you: :wink:


Sure. I’m tired of all these newbies trying to discuss about TWP and ignoring our off-topics.


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If you got something to say about the game that hasn´t been feel free to do so and I will happily participate with all the sarcastic snark I can offer. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Actually I don’t. But I wanted to be sarcastic for the sake of it.

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