ScummVM 2.0 released for testing: supports new adventure games

ScummVM is the Borg of adventure game engines!

We are the Borg

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They have already updated the build on GOG (on 2017-12-18) to include the ScummVM port of the game!


Ironical that trek engine is still not integrated or progressed on. So no 25th Anniversary or Judgement Rites. :sweat_smile:

Why should they, I don’t see any relation… :slight_smile:

But I have heard they are working on integrating Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force into ResidualVM


Because ScummVM is the Borg as you said. :stuck_out_tongue:


EVERYDAY is April Fools’ Day for me, unlike for some other person...

I see. Well, I don’t think April fooled the Turtles on any day.

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2.1 is out. ScummVM :: Home

New games:

  • Blade Runner
  • Duckman: The Graphic Adventures of a Private Dick
  • Hoyle Bridge
  • Hoyle Children’s Collection
  • Hoyle Classic Games
  • Hoyle Solitaire
  • Hyperspace Delivery Boy!
  • Might and Magic IV - Clouds of Xeen
  • Might and Magic V - Darkside of Xeen
  • Might and Magic - World of Xeen
  • Might and Magic - Swords of Xeen
  • Mission Supernova Part 1
  • Mission Supernova Part 2
  • Quest for Glory: Shadows of Darkness
  • The Prince and the Coward
  • Versailles 1685

Something that stood out to me:

added lip sync to the newer LucasArts adventure titles

Further reference: #10407 (Lipsync not working in Full Throttle) – ScummVM :: Bugs


SDL ports (including Windows, Linux, macOS):

Added support for game controllers.

@tasse-tee might be interested in the new Switch port. :wink: