The 2019 what we are playing thread

I seem to have put Secret Files on hold since I reached that Irish pub.

I started up The Council and thought I hit a loading screen, but apparently I missed an opportunity to do something because it was a countdown timer, not a loading screen. I probably should’ve known, because it seems to be one of those games that loads in a second while pretending to show you tips on the loading screen.

Also very odd, it started in UHD with everything maxed, so it was a bit choppy at ~20fps. I decided to go with HD 1080p with everything maxed instead at 60 fps but it was surprisingly hard to find.

Alt+F4 seemingly closes the game, but the process keeps on running. Odd bug.

I can’t really say anything about the game itself yet, other than that it looks nice and that theoretically it seems like you might have three fairly different games depending on your choices.

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