Upcoming book: "The Art of Point + Click Adventure Games"

I just checked, I think I have the first one too. At least there is no note “second edition”.

I’m torn between purchasing this new edition or waiting for the one that will include Return to Monkey Island. :stuck_out_tongue:


Note that:

Please email your order number to hello@bitmapbooks.com, so we can ensure that youre on the list to be sent the updated PDF once available


Nice find. I’ll see whether the 1st edition is also eligible for an updated PDF.

A bit odd, nevertheless. If all they want is an order number, what’s preventing them from just getting the new PDF to everyone that had ordered the book in the first place?

I was getting a bit confused about the different editions. My printed copy is the second edition from 2020, but it turned out that the pdf I recently downloaded is the updated third edition, which includes additional interviews with Dave Grossman, Dave Gilbert and Joel Staaf Hästö :smiley:

I hope they corrected the Rob Gilbert typo

Then there’s this other book, where they got most names right.

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That embarrassing typo is fixed in the third edition.


How many times have I to say that? :face_with_diagonal_mouth: It’s

Zak McKracken



Yep, it is. Sent an E-Mail last night, had an answer before lunch, and just now confirmed it’s indeed the 3rd Edition PDF. Yay! \o/


Here it was more a case of


Well, I’ve searched in my emails and it turns out that I have not purchased this book directly from Bitmap Books but on Amazon, in 2019. So there will be no free cookie for me, but considering that the third edition includes more than one game very dear to me (e.g. Syberia) maybe I’ll convince myself to buy it and give away the first one. :slight_smile:

Several reasons: GDPR could mean they don’t have your email address on record any longer, your email address might have changed, limiting the extra work to those who are really interested and hence limiting the risk the PDF is thrown online,…

Anyway, I think that digging up your order mail and sending 1 mail is a small effort to do instead of them needing to plow through all their orders of the last 5 years.
Other publishers don’t offer anything at all and expect people to buy another copy. So I think they’re pretty awesome.
And quick too- I got my PDF download link the same evening!


And… it’s available, now:

I don’t think I’ll purchase this edition. It doesn’t even mention RtMI… Pff… :unamused:

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I think I’ll wait for the 4th edition, with 22 additional pages, all related to RtMI.

I don’t own any edition of this book. I was waiting for this edition and it would have been a great birthday present for myself. Thank you for having destroyed my plans.