@discobot selfdestruct
@discobot tell a joke
Satya Nadella (*) acquired discobot.
(*) current Microsoft’s CEO
You may rely on it
@discobot quote
I told you discobot is upset. As you stated, @discobot is female, and I gave commands to another discobot from the Discourse Meta Forum which definitely responded to those.
How very matter-of-fact of you. Where’s your heartfelt apology? That’s what @discobot wants.
The only thing that @discobot wants is Disco music:
He likes discos. And disco music. And the Village People. So he is male … the other way around … you know.
But so do females
@tasse-tee: See!
Ah, of course!
Edit: oh great, now that song is stuck in my head!
During googleing a disco song for my post above several disco songs sneaked into my head. You should be glad, that you have just this one earworm.
I think you mean
@discobot fortune
Discobot, are you female?
That’s a suggestive question!
Yes! And some others too.
This is odd. Did you start a tutorial but forget to finish it?
(“start new/advanced user”)