Well, there’s also the fact that you got it at a meeting of a bunch of paranoid rebels/survivalists of which at least one had a tin-foil hat. So it suggested to me that opening it and getting the tin foil may be useful.
Exactly. The whole context is odd and you receive a tin-foil wrapped brick. Why the heck is a BRICK being concealed? Gotta unwrap that ASAP.
I think the confusion is not exactly with unwrapping the brick, but mostly with the verb you have to use. To unwrap a tin-foil wrapped brick makes sense. To “open” one, does not. It’s what happened to me, although I did figure out to “open it” sooner than later (that is, a lot sooner than when I actually needed the “brick”)
That’s true, the verb does not match very well with the intended action.
But when I got the wrapped brick and I immediately decided to unwrap it, the less irrelevant verb to try was “open”, simply because I had no better alternatives. I perceived it as “opening a package”.
To “unwrap a present” is to “open” it. To me it made the same sense. Although I did have I think about which would be the most appropriate verb to stand in for “unwrap.”
I was stuck in the closed factory. The only reason I ‘opened’ the brick was because I’ve found the hat there and so I can make such tin-foil hat, although I didn’t know why I would need one.
I was very surprised to discover the true nature of this brick
It wasn’t a problem with the verb. It even looks a little bit like a wrapped present and ‘opening presents’ is a common phrase.
I just never had the urge to look closer at stupid bricks until I was stuck.
What’s nice is, that you can even wrap it again!
For more than two weeks (and not a minute less) I walked around Scabb Island in LeChuck’s Revenge trying to figure out what to do next. We lived in the middle of nowhere, and this was my latest game and my parents wouldn’t buy me another until I finished it. Naturally I played this game every waking moment when given the opportunity.
When I finally figured out what to do it was a mixture of relief and anger. The bar in Woodtick has a window you can enter on the side. With no way to see the hotspots, it looked like the hundreds of other background details.
Re: the monkey wrench puzzle
As many of you probably remember, when you solve the puzzle, Guybrush breaks the fourth wall and has a shit-eating grin on his face. That’s one of the few moments in my life where I’ve felt deep-seated hatred towards something. I rage-quit and did not return for several days. That said, I still think it’s the greatest PnC of all time despite its many, many flaws.
It’s commendable that you still love the game after all the negative emotional responses that it caused to you.
But I assume that you classified those two weeks in Scabb Island as a consequence of you not pixel-hunting enough?
Oh I remember it took me some time until I’ve found this!
Only one really stands out, Maniac Mansion…
seems pretty obvious now doesn’t it? We were stuck for many weeks (probably months) not getting anywhere in the mansion because of it. In hindsight, I tell myself that we must have wasted it somewhere and simply didn’t have it in the inventory anymore. Either that, or we were just dumb kids. Or both.
Naturally, this was long before this Internet thing took off and we only had dead trees to get our hints from once a month.
Yeah, the problem with this particular one is that you can use the paint remover on nearly everything, and then it’s gone.
The same happened to me, I remember it very well.
Suddenly, one night, I had my epiphany: paint remover, paint bloch.
So, I restarted the whole game… it was a common practice at that time!
That’s true, but it makes sense. Even in reality, you can waste a can of paint remover and then it’s gone. What you can’t do in reality, is to rewind your life to the point where you have the paint remover again