[community game] The Christmas Thimbleweed Park Quiz

More rugged. Lower rank. Less Blockbuster.

That´s the most real and current guy I could find.

Yep that’s much more accurate. I’ll probably dream about him tonight now.

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…or he about you. :eyes:

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I wrote a term-paper on lucid dreaming a long time ago, but was never able to successfully have one. Whenever I’m aware that I’m dreaming, I always just wake up a few seconds later.

I think it’s probably a human survival instinct to wake up if you feel pain. In case you’re being attacked by lions or something in your sleep, your brain knows you need to wake up and fight/run.


That sounds interesting - psychology?

I think I’m ‘good’ at lucid dreaming because I’m a really light sleeper. I probably spend a lot of time in between asleep and awake (REM sleep I guess).

My totally unnecessary philosophical and needlessly “deep” theory on why you can´t die in a dream and get woken up by doing things that in real life would kill you is because your brain doesn´t know what dying is like…yet.

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I always assumed it was because your brain knows you’re dreaming and that you couldn’t die. It’s also thought that sometimes dreams are your brain’s way of processing recent events and situations, and dying wouldn’t ‘contribute’ to that.

As for lucid dreaming, I guess that’s a little different. Maybe I should try and kill myself in the next one. I’d have to be absolutely sure I’m dreaming though :neutral_face:

That too. It´s also the exact opposite.
It´s your brain processing stuff that´s your far at the back of your head you conciously never think about it.
I´m having really detailed and long dreams involving schoolmates I hardly ever talked with it and barely remember. I came to the conclusing it´s not because I secretly cared for them but because my brain has their existance saved and doesn´t know what to do with that information so it puts them in a dream.

Does that make sense?

I’m not sure if this is a good habit…

Or maybe if you kill you or get killed in this “reality” you just wake up from this realitiy.

I only do it when I know no other way out, just like in real life…wait what?

Way to one up me, man!:open_mouth:

Yeah, it does. I also think a lot of dreams aren’t as literal as we take them to be, though. It might be that the schoolmates represent something you thought of recently about your past, or old relationships or something.

Dreams within dreams! :exploding_head:

I think however that a very specific symbolism overrates or at pigeonholes the way our minds work a bit much sometimes. Especially very specific interpretations like those of Jung (though I think he knew that symbols were backround or at least culture related). Also Freud´s distinct sexual interpretations stem from much pruder times when these things were openly spoken about only in hushed tones and even personally much more repressed. There is no reason to dream about a chimney when you actually think about a penis in our society anymore. That´s why Freud is a bit outdated. But try to get the news to some psychologists…

I wouldn’t expect the current reality to be the only reality.

Btw. I sometimes dream that I know I’m dreaming and then wake up, get out of bed etc. but I’m still dreaming.
Then when I finally really (really?) wake up I’m super confused :slight_smile:

I don’t think that necessarily means we don’t dream symbolically anymore though - I don’t think it’s culture that decides that. Few people would actually be thinking about chimneys literally. And for some it could represent a penis, depending on who’s dreaming it.

Yeah I’ve had that! “Oh, that was a weird dream. Thank god I’m awake. I’ll just go and make a cuppa. Oh, there’s a tiny little woman in the teapot. Haaaaang on…”


Oh of course, I mean for society as a whole it has become less likely. It doesn´t mean there are no more prude people or those with repressed thoughts.

But I don’t think it’s just prude people or people with repressed thoughts who dream phalically/symbolically - I think that’s just the nature of dreams.

I guess no one really knows though.

Maybe but I don´t see the reason for mind to install a censorship device if you haven´t worked on that yourself during your waking hours. But it could be a form of abstraction that doesn´t even have that purpose but comes from the same place where our fantasy or imagination comes from.

I think so, too. Very intriguing though.

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