While doing a little research for another thread I stumbled over Chucks (the shoes, not the game character ) with hand painted DOTT images. Somebody posted somewhere images of shoes with Monkey Island.
In this thread I would like to collect these pictures. And if somebody has an idea of how to make similar shoes without to paint them by hand, please tell. For example could those print-something-on-T-Shirts foils work? (Most Chucks are made of a fabric.)
I thought the same but if you follow the links most of the descriptions are claiming that the shoes are hand-painted. I can’t imagine that you can actually paint those details on the “rough” surface of the Chuchs fabric.
But for example on DevianArt “LysCarou” wrote for the DOTT shoes: “I used acrylic paintings, black permanent and a lot of patience. It took me all two days because the shoes were white, not grey. But I’m glad with the final result :]”