Can we talk about the Thimbleweed Park Intro?

Thanks! And yes, I don’t know if an American audience would have laughted this much. Definitely not if I gave the talk in certain parts of this country. This was in Helsinki, 14 years ago…

Yeah, the moral panic kind of never ended in the states. Back then it was harder to notice what happened over there. But I was baffled when I heard how controversial Harry Potter initially was in the states (because witchcraft!) while in europe it made parents happy that it motivated children in the rising digital age to read books again.

I’m sure it was only controversial in a small but vocal subset of this country, likely in the Southern states.

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Ah, is it that one where the writer asks for your game to be banned on those grounds?

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The size of a large part of Europe. Larger than my country anyway, where for your info, in my language “Zak” is also a curse word… (short for a-hole). Our parents didn’t blink an eye though!

And in my language ‘crack’ means the crevice part of the bum. So that’s well covered :laughing:


Yes… bullet points are above, thanks to @milanfahrnholz. Here’s the complete letter:

Dear Sir,
I am returning this game, “Zak McKracken” because I find it quite unsuitable. The excellent game playability and graphics further compounds the real problem: the game is saturated with New Age/Satanism teachings and concepts. The following are a few that I and others have come across:

  • Eastern religions, meditation
  • African witchcraft, magic
  • A medium, a spiritual guru, a religious devotee
  • A person converts to an eastern religion
  • A superior guardian race of Ancient Ones
  • One religion over all of time, and all the world
  • Communication by aliens through dreams
  • Out of body experiences, mindlinking with animals
  • Changing of consciousness
  • Mind over matter, telepathy
  • Mental telepathy
  • Mind control by aliens

I not only find these false teachings objectionable, but consider the immersing of them in humor and presenting them as a game very dangerous. Not any of this was mentioned in advertisements for the game. I implore you to at least make it clear to unaware buyers that this is a New Age game that deals with religion.

As a computer consultant and part-time Youth Pastor I have an obligation to others in this regard. I will await your response before deciding how to further fulfill my responsibilities to warn others.
Rev. Merwin Updyke
Altoona, PA


Ha! That’s great! :smile:

I believe it’s exactly the opposite! Thanks for sharing.

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Pennsylvania? Ah, well the loud minorities…

I guess the person wanted a warning sticker since those were the latest rage for music records back then.

So did you respond?

I´d be interested if he fulfilled his responsiblities to warn others.
Did he write a comic (an Updyke Tract?), have public burnings of Zak copies?
Was he promised a slot on Geraldo?
Why got people distracted by stuff like the crumbeling of the soviet union instead of focusing on important stuff like this!

Satanism?! In Zak McKracken?!
Hey David, did you hide an Easter egg in Zak McKracken that I have not discovered yet, after 30 years?? :joy:

Well, I can’t imagine what he could say if he played Thimbleweed Park…


I leave @Calypso with the posts above :wink: and get back on-topic:

Yes, but just because the game forced me to do this.

Yes, indeed. I missed a “real” intro. I had the same “problem” in “Chuchel”, btw.

Just to clarify: I don’t need the credits, but in this special case the intro sequence had a -hm- “odd” dramaturgy - in my(!) opinion.

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People used to think Elvis made “the devil´s music” so maybe it was the presence of the king. :man_shrugging:

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We published the letter in the Lucasfilm Games Fan Magazine! Probably thanked him for his concern.


Aha, that’s where I read it! (Recently, because although being a big Lucasfilm games fan, I never owned a single one of these fan magazines, ironically)

The answer was “But have you tried playing it bacwkards?” :slight_smile:


Interesting… that’s a pretty heavy lock. And there is barely any wind (like you said).

That’s fantastic!! Good catch!

Perfect! You found the original! I remember Googling the guy some time ago, and he was for real. And the answer to his letter was perfect. Let me know if you don’t know the reference.


Yes, but the signals were strong that night.