Complete list of Thimbleweed type games (only 20)

Seeing that it’s a game for children, I’m okay with that, because it looks less dark, but more like a Disney movie.

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Haven’t played this game, but it looks like it fits your criteria.

Does the game have keyboard control?

With regard to “Yorkshire Gubbins”:

I just checked out the Windows version I have installed in Steam, and no - it doesn’t appear to have any option for keyboard control - to my surprise and disappointment. Although I played with a mouse, I can appreciate how this genre really should have keyboard support. I’ll ask the developer about it.

A lot of people have played those older (LFG/LA era) games without knowing about keyboard controls at all.
I wouldn’t want to live without them :slight_smile:

I have never seen this before, it looks interesting!

@Frenzie - the developer (Charlotte Gore) indicated she could add support for keyboard control in the next update. Question though - were you talking about full control (movement of the cursor, selecting items) with keyboard as well as keyboard for verb and dialog selection?

I think it’s about the latter.

One neat thing having keyboard shortcuts in such games is that they can be easier played with controllers (by mapping mouse movement to analogue stick and mouse click + often used verbs to buttons).

Verb selection is definitely the main thing but cursor control can be nice to have as well.

I actually complained about lack of cursor control in ScummVM here. :wink: Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders playthrough and hints - #47 by Frenzie

It also means surprisingly often overlooked stuff like up/down to select dialog options. Broken Sword 5 didn’t add that until they added what they called controller support. Controller support itself was nice to have out of the box, but from my perspective it made the game significantly more playable on any control scheme. Fixing the mostly broken keyboard support was an unadvertised side effect of adding controller support.

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Btw, given the way that game seems to present present the inventory we should note that, e.g., Zak McKracken has u/j for up/down in inventory and then i/o, k/l to select inventory items in a secondary grid layout to the main verb grid layout.

It’s really the full monty. :wink:

Yeah, that makes sense. I’m continuing the discussion with the developer on twitter and she seems to be understanding the need, and is very supportive of this enhancement.

11 posts were split to a new topic: List of games where you can’t die

And was it as good as you hoped it would be?

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Yes, I really enjoyed it. It was short, but well done. A lot of the enjoyment for me came with the character acting and interesting Yorkshire dialect. It may not be for everyone, but it has been highly reviewed. I suggest anyone interested try the free ‘verb school’ demo as it gives an excellent impression of what the game and humor is like.

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That’s what prompted my reaction: the lack of up/down in the dialog trees. :slight_smile: But since it’s just an online demo I figured it might have been missing a few features.

3 Skulls of the Toltecs added to the list.

a game that nobody has mentioned before: Touché:

it has verbs all right, though it seems more similar to the Cruise for a Corpse UI.

But the mood seems much inspired to Monkey 1 and 2. (even the character postures)

With Scummvm in the HQ3X graphics mode, it is impressive.


wow. It really feels like Monkey2. Maybe like the bar in Woodtick:


I played it due to it being available for free but I lost interest while traveling between cities at some point. I probably still have the game + savegame on my old netbook.

Looks like some men of low moral fiber to me!