Delores: German translation

Start working on German translation. TSV first.

Leaving dilly-dallying to Boris of course. :wink:



Need to get some sleep now. :wink:


As I said for the Dutch version, if you need help with the art Iā€™m happy to help :slight_smile:

I very likely will need help there, as I stay away from Adobe products. :wink:


Iā€™m doing the Finnish translation in differently organized order, so I actually have no idea how much I have translated :thinking: I noticed many lines shared the contents, so I organized them alphabetically.

I copied the _en.tsv and committed it in my local working copy. So I can ask git all the time, how many lines I changed:

git diff Data/Translations_de.tsv | grep -Ec "^\+[0-9]+"


Its not boasting (how could it). Its just meant to be a WIP status report.

I btw. translate in the order of the rooms Iā€™m playing. So I understand the context better. And less spoiler. This is a totally different adventure experince than anything before. A real developer adventure. :wink: I hang at the puzzle of how to effectively enable the translation_markers. But no spoilers please. Coming back to it from time to time. :wink:

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Are there any deadlines we should be aware of? :wink:

1114/1482 (finally starts feeling like progress).

1282/1482 (missleading as some lines need no translation)

Now ā€œphoto_namesā€ and a lot of articel correction, as I got the context wrong in the first round. And meanwhile seaching for Thomas Jefferson, without trying to cheat around in the code.

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TSV done. Putting it into family game testing before creating the PR.

@Guga if I send you the Text for the Startscreen, would you put it in the PSD and generate the PNG?

Send me everything, Iā€™ll do it as soon as I can.

I suppose you want me to generate also the Teil Zehn image for the intro screen?


ā€œTeil Zehnā€ as well would be great. :slight_smile:

Now for the Startscreen text. Let me know, if something doesnā€™t fit from the available space and Iā€™ll try to shorten it.


Dieses Projekt fing als Prototyp fĆ¼r meine neue Adventure Game Engine
an und wuchs langsam zu einem kleinen lustigen Spiel heran. Es ist
keine Fortsetzung von Thimbleweek Park und es lƤsst sicherlich allen
Schnickschnack vermissen, der fĆ¼r ein kommerzielles Spiel nƶtig wƤre.

Es war spaƟig und herausfordernd zugleich, weil wir fast ausschlieƟlich
ā€˜gefundenes Materialā€™ von Thimbleweed Park nehmen mussten, um die ganzen
neuen RƤtsel zu erstellen. Auch, weil wir nicht raus durften - IRL.

Als kleines Dankeschƶn an unsere Fans, verƶffentlichen wir es gratis,
als etwas, das SpaƟ bringt in diesen skurrilen Zeiten.

Es wird vermutlich stƤndig abstĆ¼rzen und auf exotischer oder alter
Hardware gar nicht erst laufen. Bitte Ć¼berfordert nicht unseren einen

Vielen Dank an David, Robert, Katerina und Octavi fĆ¼r Eure Hilfe.

Viel SpaƟ ā€¦ und klickt zum Fortfahren.

Mac / Windows Referenz Karte
Steuerung - nur Maus

  • Links-Klick um sich zu bewegen. Oderā€¦

  • Links-Klick um auszufĆ¼hren, was der Cursor zeigt.

  • Rechts-Klick auf ein Objekt um mehr Befehle zu sehen.

  • Links-Doppel-Klick um schnell zu laufen.

  • Rechts-Doppel-Klick tut nix. Lass es sein.

  • Ziehe Inventarobjekte auf andere Objekte um auszufĆ¼hren, was der Cursor zeigt.
    Wenn kein Cursortext auftaucht, dann kƶnnen die Objekte nicht zusammen benutzt werden.

  • ESC Ć¼berspringt unsere eine Zwischensequenz.

  • Leertaste pausiert das Spiel.

  • Punkt ā€œ.ā€ Ć¼berspringt die aktuelle Dialogzeile.

  • ā€œIā€ zeigt/versteckt das Inventar

  • Zahnrad oben rechts zeigt das OptionsmenĆ¼.

Es gibt kein Tutorialā€¦ wir vertrauen auf dich.
Es gibt keine Sprachausgabeā€¦ wir mussten Geld fĆ¼r ToilettenpapierhamsterkƤufe sparen.
Es gibt keine SpeicherstƤnde, jedoch wird der Fortschritt gesichert, wenn du Natalies
Aufgaben erfĆ¼llt hast. Spiele erneut fĆ¼r weitere Aufgaben.

Das ergibt alles mehr Sinn, wenn du erstmal anfƤngst zu spielen.


ā€œKateřinaā€! :wink:

Auto-correct? Speaks for you :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll do it this evening, yesterday I didnā€™t feel good and I went straight to sleep :+1:

The first, second and fourth paragraph in the first page are each one line too long. The main problem are the long words that go to a new line wasting a lot of space. Maybe we can hyphenate some.

Also the ā€œZiehe Inventarobjekteā€ is too long and unfortunately also the savegame one ends up having ā€œAufgabenā€ on a new line.

And a last question:

why is eine in italic, und why unsere?

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This is as a reference for your future work


It has to just be ā€œESC Ć¼berspringt eine Zweischensequenz.ā€ Without ā€œunsereā€ and there is no need for italic.

ā€œunsere eineā€ is OK, it means ā€œunsere einzigeā€ (ā€œour one, single cutsceneā€).
(Itā€™s a little joke since typically youā€™d have a button to skip cutscenes. But for this mini-adventure the button can only affect a single one.)

Something similar is meant with ā€œour product support personā€, person in singular.

Just a note: It didnā€™t include the fixes mentioned before your post.


Oh, yes. In that case I would use ā€œunsere einzigeā€. ā€œUnsere eineā€ sounds more like slang and the first time I read it, it felt wrong.

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I agree itā€™s more ā€œslangā€. I think itā€™s better for the joke.
But itā€™s right that itā€™s easy to read wrong. Which was also the reason it was written in italic to put emphasis on this word so people read it more likely correct.

But maybe ā€œeinzigeā€ is better because of more clarity. Iā€™m just glad Iā€™m not a translator during my day job :slight_smile: