Free game of the day

When you’re ready, prizes will be too. Or anybody else who wants to do that. I’m really bad at doing games with questions like @lowlevel did.

Thanks! Although that means I can’t win any of the prizes :wink:

I have an original idea, inspired by the quizzes made by @LowLevel. The only issue being that I can’t just write the questions, but I am collecting them whenever I see one passing by. I have 3 questions so far, collected over a course of 6 months. My plan is to get to 10.
All will become clear in due time.


Ooh, I enjoyed doing that TWP Christmas quiz last year :grin: I don’t know if I’ll have time, but maybe I’ll think about it.

@LowLevel’s picture quiz was great fun.


That would be nice. Yours was funny too! :slight_smile:

I would have loved to put among the prizes the Steam key for Full Throttle too, but unfortunately I thought I could get the DRM-free version via Steam and now I’ve already redeemed the key :man_facepalming:

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Well I can’t speak for the other two games but I thought Burly Men at Sea was pretty cool.

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Please do! I hope to win this time! Last year I lost because I wasn´t funny enough… :smirk:

Oh yeah that was great! Ah, @LowLevel…Rest In Pixels! :sneezing_face:


:sweat_smile: you came close though if I remember correctly. Maybe if you er… slip a little something my way this year…


Hey ixnay onay theay cheatay strategyay



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What I meant to say, of course, was:

Hey! Ixnay on ethay eatchay ategystray…

my pig latin is like my regular latin… ustyray!


Actually what you meant to say was, psst, here’s a fiver.

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Poor Sushi…so much to learn…



Speaking of which, what’s the deal with the five Euro on GT Live? :crazy_face:


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:open_mouth: it never ceases to amaze me what kind of emojis there are… and which there aren’t.
I searched for a high five - which wasn’t on the list- a money bill with wings on the other hand!

Anyway, I know better than to slip money to her… :stuck_out_tongue:
I was thinking more along the lines of 5 packs of white Twix.


I´m waaaaaay ahead of you buddy. :wink: :chocolate_bar:


*looks up from 20-fingered Twix*

Sorry, what?

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Was legalising cannabis a tradeoff for brexit? :open_mouth:

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Just a little refresh for those who did not see this after the huge off-topic that went on afterwards:

Still 14 days or so left


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I wanted to buy FT and registered on Humble Bundle, but when I try to add to cart I get this:

“I understand that Humble Bundle will automatically renew my subscription on November 30, 2018 when I will be charged $12.00.”

I suppose I need to buy and cancel my subscription but it’s a shitty thing, like one of those “book of the month club”, so I’ll just wait for GOG to have it on sale. It’s not like I need to replay FT anytime soon.