Hey, we have a new moderator!

I hope transaliens are included, too. Sometimes I feel like I’m from Alpha Centauri!

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I think that it depends on what you mean by “a while ago”. After the summer, the peak of active users was at the end of September and it coincided with the peak of new topics created. It was just two months ago.

I have not understood the question. If there isn’t a clear goal, there is no issue and we can keep doing whatever we want.

That date directly correleates with the Switch Release. People who specifically signed up who had question about the ports didn´t stay and probably never meant to.

I don´t know about you, but I´m rather enjoying the loose atmosphere we have here currently. I don´t want it to completly die out but I think we can achieve that as long as we have anything to talk about (which I doubt will ever really stop) and remain as nice to each other as we are at the moment.

Me too. That’s why I don’t mind when people going off-topic. At first the forum was a good place to talk about things related to TWP, but now we’re past that point it’s nice to let the conversation flow organically. Or maybe that’s just my excuse…


That might have contributed, but it’s probably a coincidence because we had another identical peak of active users on Sep 12 and it again coincided with the quantity of posts and topics created. Number of active users and quantity of new posts/topics positively correlates during all the period of time monitored. It’s not just about the peaks, it’s everything. It can be argued that the causality is backwards: more active users created more posts/topics, but I’m pretty sure that at least the peaks of new topics were mostly influenced just by a few regular users who were very active in that moment.

Anyway, enough of this serious stuff for me. I will not do a serious analysis of what happened and why, for me it’s just a game about statistics and social behaviors. :slight_smile:

Yes, like that! :smiley:

My dad hated the statistics part of his psychology study. He was more interested in invdividuals (which later lead to his therapeutic occupation), though he also had a brief interest in experimental psychology, which I share.

Don’t confuse a person and its underwear. :joy:


Right, can we now go back to talk about Thimbleweed Pants…er…Park! :astonished:


But no one created corresponding topics. :wink: And I’m not sure if we should “absorb/take over” this forum with other games. :slight_smile:

This forum is mainly meant to discuss about TWP. Most posts were about the game or related to the game. Every time there were news from Ron, we got more activity here. For example the opening of the arcade produced several new threads (help about finding the coins, highscores, etc.). I fear that with the end of the development, this forum will “die”. Not suddenly, but slowly - except Ron starts the work on a new game. :wink:

Really? Hm… from 12. to 15. are only three days…? Anyway. 100 active users within 3 days are a lot. And don’t forget the users who are only reading the posts.

Sure, but I bet they´re all like…

Oh, the arcades! I didn’t unlock them yet. So I didn’t read (or reacted to) any of those posts to avoid spoilers.
Plus I’m spending my free time on the transcriptions, so less time to react on posts.

Or… he could release the engine, making this the TWP Engine forum :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ll take this opportunity to tell you how invaluable your transcriptions are to me: I’m one of those “weird people” who actually prefere to “consume” them as text, even if (of course) voice can have a unique special charm.

No, they are about 100 active users in seven days. I don’t know how many each day (probably there is a bit of fluctuation depending on the day of the week).

But then the x-axis doesn’t make sense: There is a data point for the 12. and another one for the 15. And the graph goes down between those two days (so there is a third data point between them). Hm. Whatever. :slight_smile:

The chart has all the daily data points but only one date every three days has a label below the x axis because the full list of dates wouldn’t fit (unless you use a minuscule and unreadable font).

But then we have over 100 daily active users: The x-axis shows the dates and the y-axis shows the active users. For example the data point at 12/11/2017 is over 120. So we had over 120 active users at that day - and not the whole week.

No, each data point shows the number of active users counted in a period of seven days.

For example, today (Tuesday 28) Discourse tells us how many active users there were between Wednesday 22 and Tuesday 28.

So if I look at the 12/11/2017 and I see “120” then I know that 120 users were active between the 5/11/2017 and the 12/11/2017? Does that/such a statistic make sense? :slight_smile:


I don’t know, but I assume that Discourse has a reason to provide only the total count of the last X days instead of the daily count. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sometimes the 7-days cycle is used to avoid spikes in the charts.

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