I am baaaacccccckkkkkkkk!

For i in 0 to 9999 loop {

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Let´s make a compromise. I only count to 5.000 but then I use the wrong meme.



ok, you can post the correct meme now

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I had to look it up and wasn´t familar with it. I´d feel dishonest doing that.

Ok, @PiecesOfKate then? You should know…

Should I? Are we talking Wayne’s World or something else? :thinking:

Yes. It is from a game I we all know you’ve played. But not everyone here played it.

Oh shit, I know it now! Somehow I tried to look up a movie or TV and came up with something weird.

Can I say?

Yeah go ahead!



Ohhhh :laughing:

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Also not counting the demo, I think this might be the first ever instance of fourth wall breaking in a Lucas Film Game.

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Didn’t Labyrinth break the fourth wall too? :thinking:

Oh yeah, heavily! You might say it predated Last Action Hero by 7 years or so in that respect.

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Add me in Twiiter… @mightyeagle2020