Language Discussion

As I said already: You can correct me every time you like!

You could start a new thread where you write about common errors. Like a blog about English grammar. :slight_smile: I would love to read that!

Kate’s Krusade - the Quest for Better Grammar :trophy:
(and spelling)


Really? A blog about that could be fun… You might be the only reader, but still. A lot of examples come up in my job, so I shouldn’t be short of material. Hmmmmm.


Yes! Just add a little bit of humor or funny examples (feel free to take my mistakes and errors :slight_smile: ).

In Germany we have a very popular blog called “Zwiebelfisch” (the Wikipedia article is in English):


I have a policy against intentional misspellings :wink: ooh, I could call it Miss Spelling!

Oh, wait


What´s your problem? I was talking about the correct use of pronouns. “pronoun-ciation”…

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Correct the wise, and you’ll make him wiser. Correct the fool, and you’ll make him your enemy. :face_with_monocle:

It’s pronounced tas-ty!

Just picture him like that:


Oh look it´s David Warner! Better know as “that british actor who is in everything”.

I didn’t know that. I always thought dialects only changed certain words and pronunciation, but not the grammar!

Ja ja, der Milan.
Adding an article before saying peoples names in Spanish is not correct and usually associated to ignorants.

Hm. Never thought about that. I should give it a try. Thanks also to @Someone and @LogicDeLuxe for their recommendations.

It´s true though!

Most common way people greet me!

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Italian dialects can be very different in grammar. Northern dialects have a grammar which takes a lot from french or other central Europe languages. Friulan takes a lot from slovenian.
Not to mention the dialects from Valdaosta and from Alto Adige which are actually, in turn, a French and German dialect.

Some southern regions take something from spanish or even arabian. Sardinian language… well, its a whole different language :blush:

Adding an article before saying peoples names in Italian is not correct and usually associated to Milanese people :smile:

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Time for a boring and useless OT.

While the article before a given name is considered in italian an error, it is allowed to use it before a surname.
It is particularly true whe referring to the members of a family, just like in english:

“the greens” -> “i verdi”

The difference is that in english the surname can change from singular (“Green”) to plural (“Greens”) when referring to more than one person. In italian you can’t change this: the colour green is translated into “verde”, which plural is “verdi”. “Verde” and “Verdi” are considered two different family names in italian, and you’ll keep them unchanged when referring to one or more people.

Sig. Verde -> Mr. Verde
Sig. Verdi -> Mr. Verdi
I Verde -> The Verdes
I Verdi -> The Verdis

The article before the surname when referring to one single person is quite uncommon nowadays and is used only in formal documents or when referring to important and distinguished personalities: “il Manzoni”, “il Petrarca”.
It has been a common habit until some years ago to mantain the article before women’s surnames as like when talking about plural people. that’s because articles in italian are not only number-secific but also gender-specific: since surnames are unchangeable in gender and number, using the correct article before a surname is a smart and easy way to understand if you’re talking about a man, a woman, or a whole family:

“Il Rossi” or simply “Rossi” -> a man
"La Rossi" -> a woman
"I Rossi" -> a Family

Anyway, some people nowadays started considering this habit as “politically uncorrect”, so now a lot of people refers also to women omitting the article before the surname.


Does it work the same with numbers?
Il 46, La 46, I 46?

I can confirm this for several other German dialects too. :slight_smile:

(We are now extremely off-topic. Maybe @Calypso can/should put/move all posts about the language stuff in a new thread?)


That’s why I was so scared when I heard my daughter saying it :stuck_out_tongue: I told it to my sister and parents and they were like “NOOOO she’s a northerner now!”

You know, it happens is Zurich too. Not that much, but still at least half of the time I had colleagues doing that.

Just read some English books from the 19th century instead. :wink: They’re all one-and-twenty this, two-and-thirty that.

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Like “Der Fahrnholz Milan!”?