ok, the problem with those remakes is the popularity! Those remakes had high expectations that hasn’t been done perfectly. If anybody is working on super famous tittle that has millions of fans, we wanna see a huge improvements. What is happening in most cases, studios just trace original art, doesn’t bring anything new, and just improve the audio quality.
That is not enough! 100% or nothing.
Lucas Malaysia did very lame job on MISE 1, and that was very scary moment for every fan! the art looks like unfinished concept art with rough brushes. I was always wondering why, … MI 1 started this beautiful madness, and they decided to ruin it with lazy art brushes? rough, fast job.
Now, MISE 2…got more attention, now it looks like a finished concept art that is missing lots of details and smoothness. That brings up another question why? … If Ron started this great story, why they didn’t do it for 100%? answer? money? deadlines? I still strongly believe, that George had his plan to sell his company any time soon and he wanted satisfy his fans before he totally destroyed LucasArts. It has been planned for loooong time.
Believe it or not, selling a huge expensive company might takes a years and you need to think about all consequences.
Also, all employees got a gifts like a ipads etc. that’s approved basically saying: Sorry guys, I sold you to Mickey Mouse…hard times are coming… pack your stuff.
Anyway, why he chosen to remake Monkey Islands?? There are other games that could be done too…and he is more familiar and original creator of Indiana Jones… was he afraid to ruin his baby? or is it, because Monkey Island could be more popular? …
Conclusion, whatever you guys say, … they didn’t do a great job…they did “ok” job.