Netflix (and other VOD) recommendations

It would be so weird seeing those roles played by big celebs now. Although I do like Lili Taylor (ahem, not just because she’s X-Files alumni…)

I would definitely watch that one.

Oh yeah, heheh! Can just about tell it’s him. Actually he looks a bit James Marsters-y :eyes:

I read an article with pictures of them all – some are really subtle and others right there. But every moment is potentially so important I didn’t want to get distracted looking for them. The only ones I spotted were that blonde woman in the damp room and the face behind the glass in the kitchen.

She really is stunning!

I also meant to say that

I completely concur. It was so unexpected in the middle of that intense dialogue. It did feel like one of the ‘cheaper’ scares – but then again it led to some important relationship mending.

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