Pointless? Copy protection

I like Conan (and Andy and Jordan), the early Clueless Gamer episodes were great but then they just became about promoting new games I’d never buy or play anyway (except The Witcher 3).

Also when he started to play with Football players or generally other people. That Kate Upton/Cuphead episode was not about the game at all and so full of cringe it was unwatchable.

Never seen it but I don’t think people on tv ‘get’ games. I know Charlie Brooker does but he’s been a gamer all his life like us but people who lie for a living are not good when it comes to talking with energy about subjects they know nothing about. Look at original Top Gear vs New Top Gear.

Yeah Evans and Leblanc like care but they don’r know or love the subject the way these guys doTop-Gear-presenters

you can’t fake enthusiasm or knowledge of a subject and that’s why most of these shows about games are not very good. We had Bad Influence when we were kids but the two on there Violet Berlin and Andy something thought they were cool but in actuality knew **** all about games

this pair of knobheads…

Gamesmaster ruled


Getting heavy Power Rangers vibes from this!

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On the other hand when he plays with good comedians it’s often really funny.

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Well, as it turned out it wasn’t him. There was a slight chance. :cry:

Take a look at this one if you haven’t seen it yet:

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