One of the guys here @Sushi reached out to say some of the included files for Monkey Island appear to be corrupt. Oddly enough this appears to affect both the EGA and the VGA version.
They included the version 1.1 of MI1 VGA - nice to see that version finally crop up outside of Australia, and the 8-disk EGA version. I’ve uploaded a file to a private link on my blog for anyone that needs it, anyone who needs it can reach out I can be contacted by email if I’m not here. It includes MI1EGA8, MI1VGA7, the 5.0.19 version MI1 VGA interpreter (skips copy protection) and MI2 (just in case you need it - both floppy versions). The KIXX version of MI2 has a 2byte tweak in monkey2.001 rendering the copy protection screen useless.
My old PDF recreated manuals for the games are here:
Actually, only the EGA version (the one included on the USB under “_Retro Backups\Monkey Island 1\MS DOS 5.25”) is corrupt. This happens when you switch to disk4 or disk6 quite early in the game when going to the overview island map or on the first cut scene when exiting the SCUMM bar; so that was easy to discover.
I did not see any corruption with the VGA version (yet)… but the checksum of DISK02.LEC is different between the version provided by LRG and yours. To be checked in further detail.
I haven’t got around to checking the LGR retro backups of MI2 yet.
Did anyone open the DVD yet to see if it contains other content than the USB stick? Mine is still in plastic wraps.