Random Anecdotes

:open_book: The bloody night stand

January 2018. We officially left Zurich, it’s our first night in Lugano. However, as the furniture in our new apartment wasn’t ready, we booked a night in a nearby hotel.

My daughter (yep, most of my anecdotes come from them) sleeps like… well, have you ever seen that video of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge swinging around? Let’s say it moved less than what my daughter is used to at night.

So we were quite worried, because on a new bed, without any anti fall bed guards to protect her, we feared she could fall down. So we put some chairs and pillows all around her hoping it would work.

The next morning I wake up quite early and out of curiosity I go to check if everything’s fine in the daughters’ room. I notice some stains on the pillow, so I turn on the light. There’s blood everywhere. Sprays of blood on the pillow, on the bed, around my daughter’s head (who is laying face down) and on the night stand. I turn my daughter around, and she has blood on her face and a big bloody mark on the forehead, 2cm long and almost half a cm wide.

“Oh no”, I think, “she hit her head on the night stand’s edge and wounded herself”. I panicked, called my wife, didn’t know what to do.

Well, it turned out that the mark wasn’t a wound. It was a booger. She had picked her nose while sleeping, slightly wounded herself and bled out of her nose. Her fingers were bloody too, and she probably touched the night stand.

I took a pic of the whole setup (I’ll post it as soon as I find it) and sent it to my mother-in-law, because she’s an anxious person and I love to scare her :stuck_out_tongue: