Just a thread to keep all Return to Monkey Island articles in one place (so you can read over and over without wasting time digging). So here’s the first two (posted in another thread already, thanks @tlammert and @ZakPhoenixMcKracken). Please post them here as well if you find more.
There are a lot of articles that report and comment the statements in those two interviews.
I don’t think that these articles add much to the discussion, but some of them are in non-english languages and some readers might appreciate them.
@uriel : what does “RTM” (in the title of this thread) stand for?
They probably meant to write RTMI = Return To Monkey Island
Oh, right.
oops… fixed. Thanks
Beware, the “new” interview mentioned in the title of the following article is actually the already known Adventuregamers interview:
Two things!
thank you so much for doing this
I hate to be a monster and request more from you who are posting links, but can you possibly put a note before the links about if there is new information or not? If not, I understand.
You are right, I wasn’t sure whether @uriel wanted only new content or also commentary.
I’ll add a note to specify that!
NEW interview by Ars Technica, with new juicy information (e.g. hint system)!
Ron has published a post on his blog that, among other things, contains details about a few ideas that were dismissed for the plot of “Return to Monkey Island”.
I’m adding it here, for reference.
I’ve read a few articles that re-publish the same information, but I’m not posting them here because they don’t add anything new.
Some new elements in this one, but outdated info on others (for example, they missed that also Alexandra Boyd will reprise her role)
Article on the whole Return To Monkey Island affair, as far as we know, by @Diduz of Lucasdelirium (italian)
New interview by Tim Biggs to Ron Gilbert, Dave Grossman and Sid Meier!
The interview is mostly focused on pixel art, nostalgia and evolution of art styles.
I’ve found interesting the following paragraph:
“We have a few interesting and fun ways in the game to get new players caught up on the world of [protagonist] Guybrush Threepwood. We don’t want anyone to feel lost. This [also] goes for people that have played Monkey Island , but not in 20 years.”
I read in it a confirmation that they have found a fun way to implement the hint system.
When he says “lost” I believe he is talking about the plot. He is addressing the question “do you need to know or remember what happened in the first two games”.