Strange food you should really give a try

She was an unsuspecting girl from southern england who would always take first place in the spelling bee
But unbeeknownst to her, she was to fall vicitim to THE FOOOOD MONSTER!
The FOOOOOD MONSTER will get you too, ask for barf bags at the counters of the theater of your choice!
THE FOOOOD MONSTER, that moment when you´d rather have doom STAY with you!

Rated PG


Maybe it was a limited edition. But a lot of chocolate stuff isn’t available during summer. So don’t panic and let’s see. :slight_smile:

And if they don’t make them anymore, you can produce some easily by yourself: Just eat carefully only the black chocolate from the normal Twix, melt white chocolate and pour it over the rest of the now chocolate-less Twix bars!


:laughing: haha, BEE


For some reason white chocolate variants are more common during the summer, though. So I wasn´t expecting it to disappear that fast.

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Haha :clap:

I think it said that on them over here. But a lot of so-called limited edition stuff ends up on shelves for ages if it sells. Ooh, maybe that’s it - maybe they’re rebranding them to permanent packaging! Or, I’m the only one who eats them so they’re getting rid of them :cry:

Haha! That’s a great idea. And I could sell them on the black market and not tell anyone they contain my saliva.

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You have to hear that in an 60s announcers voice, too :slight_smile:

Well I eat them as well, so it has nothing to do with you since you weren´t eating them in germany anyway…to my knowledge at least… :thinking:

Or you could say that some of them do, which will eithe decrease or increase the market value (depening on what weird stuff people are into…which they most likely are when they look into the black market in the first place, I guess)

*dives behind your rosebush*

White Twix DNA Edition™

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:laughing: haha, PEE

erm… :roll_eyes:

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I will try this strange food for the first time ever in my life…

…at least that taste… never had vinegar chips before. But I like balsamic, so I guess they’ll be allright.

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We have a lot of those kettle chips here too. The newest taste for Pringles seems to be seasalt and herbs…just herbs.

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SALT and vinegar CRISPS, Sushi! And I want some!! :yum:

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Why do like these? :angel:

Well, come and get them!

Just beware:


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But it says so on the package : “chips”

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Fine by me! I’ll eat the whole bag myself :smiling_imp:

That reminds me. @Someone, have you tried those other crisps you bought yet?

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I wonder what crisps @PiecesOfKate and Jughead-me were shopping for in that one dream of hers.

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Codswallop! :face_with_monocle: Those fellows at Kettle Chips haven’t learnt their British English properly!