Strange food you should really give a try

Here in Germany it’s very common. :slight_smile: And I like the dark chocolate from Lindt (but it’s not my absolutely favorite at the moment).


Something inside me made me resist correcting him. Must be my tiny little devil or something.

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I absolutely love that stuff! You can buy it ready-made here, as a posh treat.

That’s true. They tend to ask quite wide-ranging questions.

Get QuizUp and practise on there! Disclaimer: may significantly reduce productivity.


What is your favourite dark chocolate? What are the best chocolates from Switzerland in your opinion?
Maybe we should also ask @cvalenti eheheh…

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Is it actually heresy to chocolate afficionados when you prefer white chocolate? Because I do and I ate a white duplo just now.

When I was a kid, I loved to eat a croissant with white chocolate at a croissanterie (does it exist as a word in both english and french? We used to call it “cornetteria”) near school.
When it comes to white chocolate, I prefer when the high delivery of sweetness dilutes into the pastry.

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Actually I don’t have a favorite chocolate. It depends heavily on the my current mood, the season and the occasion. In addition I also like to try different (new) chocolates. At the moment I like Hachez, Feodora (not Fedora :slight_smile: ), Lindt and Rausch. I also liked the chocolate sold by Tchibo. And we have here a small local chocolate manufacturer. :slight_smile:

Regarding Switzerland I would name the “big” companies Lindt and Toblerone (Ok, Ok, Toblerone is not dark chocolate :slight_smile: ). But I haven’t tried all brands. Can you recomment one?

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#quickly secures patent for a Fedora-shaped Feodora#

I’m really liking the dark chocolate Lindt Lindor (called Extra Dark for some reason – I didn’t think there was a Dark) at the moment, though I’ve been told it has one of the highest sugar contents :neutral_face:

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That was the reason why I asked you, Switzerland is renowned for its chocolate, but I don’t know other producers from that country than the above cited, Milka and Lindt.
Probably also Toblerone, but I never tried it.

Step by step we will eventually get where do you come from…

Also here there are some little producers, like Gay-Odin (don’t ask me why it is called that way :stuck_out_tongue: that dates back from early '900)
I like a lot a chocolate they produce, they call it “Forest” 'cause it’s like a tree trunk
(well actually it’s more like a crystallized bamboo lath).


That looks suspiciously like a Cadbury’s Flake to me :thinking:

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What is your suspect? :slight_smile:

Actually that’s not a cake, it’s a small piece of solid chocolate. It’s the same from Cadbury?

One general “problem” with recommendations is, that every person I know likes other chocolate brands and varieties. For example a relative don’t like dark chocolate at all.

The German Wikipedia page lists some companies:

Never! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Looks very interesting. But they don’t ship to other countries? :frowning:

(Hm… I’ve seen this “Forrest” chocolate somewhere before - but where … :thinking:)

Yeah. I thought everywhere had them.



I´m not to keen on it either. Except when it´s a cover for marzipan.

We´ll just to have tort…I mean ask @tasse-tee, then…


Ah, after this weird English breakfast we now get to the real foods. :wink: Which kind of marzipan do you prefer?

I’m confident that she won’t talk. :wink:

The marzipan kind. No, what sorts you mean?

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Mine is Lindt 70%

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Pure marzipan, with (dark) chocolate, flavored ones (marzipan with pineapple, espresso, plums, orange, rum …) Königsberg marzipan, Marzipankartoffel, … have a look at the Niederegger shop.

The only ones I believe I never had are the flavoured ones. But I really like the Kartoffel. For some reason I managed to get some at most major events I attended (like in the Olympiahalle in Munich).

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