Stranger Things, strange similarities

Replay Thimbleweed Park and carefully watch the sewers.

So I just started playing Stranger Things The Game and it´s a lot more fun than I would have expected!

It plays a lot like StarTropics, I think that´s the closest I could compare it to as far as gameplay goes so far.


Played for a while, but I find it to be too much repeating, it’s becoming annoying.

So far I´ve only finished chapter one.

The biggest gripe as far as repetion goes I have so far is that there is several objects you can look at (magazines, tv screens, computer screens etc.) and they are spread all over the place sometimes in rooms where there is nothing else and every single one of them says the same when you look at it, what´s the use for that?!

I dunno, but thank you for the question.

That wasn´t really a question to you personally, but have you noticed that too when playing the game?

Yes, I am wandering around, trying to get pass the obstacles, and Hopper says the same sentences.
Maybe in a month or two, I will play it again.

If all chapters are as short as the first one I think I´ll keep to one chapter a day to avoid any kind of annoyance. However at the moment it says I have finished only 3% which makes it seems like the game is huge, however that counter might factor in collectibles so it doesn´t say much about the lenght of the overall campaign. I like the overall style so far, though.

Me too, I like it, and I love Stranger Things series, both seasons. Can’t wait for the third one to come out…
I’m currently at 6.0% of the game.

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I´m currently at chapter five (around 25%) and still enjoying it very much. Next kid I need to get is Dustin, which I guess leaves 11 and Max because I only need to unlock three more. The special abilities and the switching make for fun gameplay. :slight_smile:

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Okay I´m at chapter six and very close to the end now. Percentage says 32,2 which I guess means there is a lot of collectibles and sidequests I´ve missed. This is big for a mobile game! It gets really tricky in the second half. I´m definitly enjoying this!

edit: Damnit, I played till the battery went out, gotta finish this tomorrow! :slight_smile:

I got up to 30.2% but haven’t had time to play in a while.

I agree, it’s well done how you keep getting new characters with different special abilities. Keeps it interesting. And I like how they captured each kid’s likeness even though it’s lo-fi pixel graphics. Will looks especially sickly🤢

I think they went a little overboard with Dustin´s teeth, but except that I agree. Very good. I didn´t get Max though, I think she´s optional.

Will was the last one I got, so haven’t seen Dustin yet.

But Steve and his hair!

I´m currently in the final dungeon, where you´ll get Eleven. I´m gonna guess her special ability is to use the swimming pools as warp points or something.

So they make you wait until near the end of the game to use those pools? I was wondering about that.

The guy at the store was asking about salt, so I’m guessing one of her missions will be to fill up the pools with salt from the mines or somewhere.

Yeah possible. I thought it was meant for Eleven because of the mention of “weird psychopowers”.

I´m currently stuck at what I assume is the final bossfight.

I thought as much too, since they’re loosely following the plot of the show.

Though I guess you don’t need Dustin to call up the science teacher on a Saturday night to ask how to make a sensory deprivation tank. :grinning:

Stranger Things Season 3, coming in 2019.
For now, enjoy this teaser:

All actors confirmed, for instance:

  • Millie Bobby Brown – Eleven
  • Winona Rider – Joyce
  • Ron Gilbert – Jim Hopper

At first I thought “wah, they´ll be skipping an entire year?” but then I checked and realised this November still falls into 2018 (at least this year).