Suggestion for a Chess Game

Hello guys.

Do anybody has a good chess game to suggest?

I used to play Chessmaster many years ago, and I’m looking for something similar, in particular:

  • Good AI, especially at low and medium levels
  • lessons divided per chapters/subjects
  • propedeutic exercises
  • small but complete opening and famous plays database

I tried to have a look on Stem, but there are tons of titles…

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Ah, I miss Battle Chess…


I haven’t played a chess game in the last few years, but Fritz Chess was always recommended by others to me:

But it had an awful AI. :slight_smile:

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GNU Chess is very strong. It is free and open source software since 1984 :slight_smile:

But does it have lessons and exercises?

I think no :frowning_face:

btw: Wasn’t there a remake?

Yeah… I was encourage to die, because I loved all the animations :joy:

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You seem right. That looks as the best chess game around. But… WTF…?! Windows only??? :sweat:

Which platform do you prefer?

Win UAE emulator, with BattleChess.adf

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Came here to post this. Alternatively, Archon :smiley:

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Well, I can play it on Win only on my desktop… I have a MacBook as a laptop… well, I think I’ll buy it anyway…
Thank you!

Not needed:

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What about Shredder? That program had positive reviews too…

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Fantastic, I’ll give it a try!

Thank you.

News: after checking out several games, I stumbled upon
I’m having a lot of fun, there. I’ll subscribe a premium account later, but first I want to fully explore the free features. it may take a while, it’s huge! Very nice…

Is anyone here interested in Go?

Me! It’s the mother of all board games!

The Amiga version has far superior sound. That goes for almost any game at the time.
That changed when games started to support Soundblaster and MT-32, but that alone did cost more than a complete Amiga.