Syncing Save Games

You were asking for synching savegames and savegames are typically just a bunch of files.
All I need is a file sync tool. And I want to control it myself. I don’t even want a program using some database fed from people I don’t know which then leads to file uploads from my computer from arbitrary directory locations.

Sure, finding file locations is not everyone’s cup of tea :slight_smile:
But it isn’t hard. And you don’t have to sync a whole directory, proper sync tools allow filters like wildcards (e.g. *.sav; *.s??).

ScummVM savegames only work for games supported by ScummVM.
GOG Galaxy only works for games installed using GOG Galaxy.
Steam only works for Steam games.
A custom implementation in Broken Sword, Broken Age etc. only works with that particular game.
Also they may be using cloud storage I don’t trust, no encryption etc.

Generic file sync always works. And I need it anyway for all other kind of files I want to have synced between devices. Savegames is just another use case.

I see. SyncToCloud really seems like a good solution for you. It’s multi platform and also supports different cloud storage providers. I didn’t find anything about encryption though.