Telltale in Trouble

You don’t get what I’m trying to say. :wink:

TWD was a huge success because of the IP. The interactive movie helped to sell it to non-players. But without that big IP these interactive movies wouldn’t be successful - have a look at Deadalic. And Paul’s stats are suggesting that Telltale wasn’t successful even with the licensed IPs - the only really successful title is/was TWD.

Exactly. But with old adventure games you can earn at least enough money to keep the business running. And as we see on the Daedalic and later TT titles, the interactive movies aren’t selling very well too. (In the case of Daedalic even more worse than some of their other PnC adventure games.)

Yes. I haven’t said anything else. :slight_smile: But the interactive movies were only successful because of some(!) strong IPs.

So they seem to prove what I proposed above. :slight_smile:

These were the German versions (with the German dub). TT sold the distribution rights of the German versions to other companies in Germany (they did the translations and German dub). AFAIK that’s the reason why you still can’t get the German “Tales of Monkey Island” on Gog.

Isn´t it a bit of a feat though to be sucessfull although you´re limited to only one console (thus shrinking your market) ?

That part with the original IP is contrary to your point though.

I liked all of those. I’m more of a slow one so maybe that’s why this sort of gameplay is more OK with me. :man_shrugging:

For me it was the other way around: I only played to first episodes of those but it didn’t captivate me enought to play further.
Also despite rather simplistic gameplay I have no connections to those IPs, I haven’t heard of The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us before TTG announced the games.

Unlike Sam&Max, Monkey Island and Back to the Future which I all love.

I don’t understand. What does this mean for Syberia?

It doesn’t look like you can.

And I’m glad they did. That’s how I got to know Telltale Games in the first place:
I’ve discovered a new Sam&Max game in a store, after so many years!
Season 1 & 2 were already out at this time, so I played those.

I’m not really a fan of this episodic model that TTG favoured so much (because of the final product), but I remember fun times following the releases (particularly Tales of Monkey Island and Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse), waiting for the next episode to come out (the golden times in the TTG forums!).

I did read Fables a few years prior to the game, I suppose. But it was its own proper independent story.

That I think it’s pretty neat! :slight_smile:

OK, I wasn’t sure if it was really supposed to be ‘weren’t’ or ‘were’.

I like Syberia 1&2 too. There was also a lot of running around. What made those different to not become boring vs. the TTG ones? (It wasn’t that annoying boyfriend, that’s for sure :slight_smile:)

Oh now I remember what made me stop playing it!

And I think in The Longest Journey it was the clicheed girly dialogue of the protagonist itself.

I hope this wasn’t serious. (Just ignore this part of the story…)

Didn´t you get called like, all the damn time, though?

This part of the story was stupid but it didn’t happen ALL the time. (It happened mostly when transitioning to a new area.)

I suppose you mean Syberia had too many rooms with nothing or very little to do? A valid criticism from a game design perspective, although I felt it fit with the story.

But speaking of walking around a lot, remember that floating guy in TLJ? It took like ten minutes to walk over to his @#$@#$ warehouse!

I think that was the part I found so discouraging because just when you want to explore a new part you get distracted again. That was a really bad idea. But I liked the atmosphere and the steam punk elements.

Exactly, that’s also what I liked about it.
Ignore this stupid phone (there should be a remove-battery-mod).

Oh and btw.: Happy birthday to my Telltale Games account: Since yesterday it’s ten years old.

Regarding DRM:

From the TTG Forum:

It seems “Wallace & Gromit” and “Jurassic Park” are both DRM-free from the Telltale store. At least none of them asked me for authentication when installing or playing.

I managed to get The Walking Dead working by using my email instead of my user name (it said I could use either). Authentication seems to be doing fine for now

I think along the same lines, though I am not really certain if they would have been better off sticking to the tried and true formula.

In case of TT, I am somewhat astonished about the number of employees, however. It’s hard to judge without having actually played their games, but they don’t seem like they’d require that many people to make (unless they have 3 of them in production simultaneously).

Somewhere back I’d read that Daedalic had slightly more than 100 people, and that seemed excessive too.

With such a headcount, it’ll be hard to stay around when a few games don’t sell well. With TT, I suppose that licenses for their franchises weren’t exactly cheap either.

While I personally won’t miss them (the only game of theirs I played was Tales of Monkey Island), I feel bad for the people that lost their job. Hopefully, some of those will move on to make games that are more to my liking :upside_down_face:.

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They did actually. They were working on Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, Stranger Things and Minecraft.

This one is for ttg (it also tells a story).

TellTale seemed to fall into the “licenses mean huge audiences” trap. It never reliably worked in the 8-bit and 16-bit eras (I mean, the first major videogame company gaff of all time was ET, right?), it’s strange that they seemed to think it had changed.

A license can mean an elevated profile, but it still has to be handled extremely well and be backed by a stellar product. Actually, if anything, the standards have to be even higher: Nobody wants to play something that cheapens their love for an IP.


I do hope so! I have Tales of MI and Back to the Future on DVD and still have to get around installing and playing the latter.

For what it’s worth: I am also one of the TWD owners on that Steam bar chart… picked it up for free once - with no real intention to play it. Not before I finish all the other games anyway. Like Sam&Max seasons 1 to 3.

I suggest using this resolution tool: Tell Tale Games Custom Resolution Tool | WSGF
If possible, play the original versions of season one and two since they introduced bugs in their engine upgrade patches.
Also, the first season should be played at a 4:3 aspect ratio. While the updated (and bugged) version was fixed for 16:9, the original releases has glitches with it. And only console versions officially supported 16:9 anyway.
From season 2 on, it is save to set it to a 16:9 resolution.
And season 3 will letterbox to 16:9 anyway, as they did on all their games from then on.