Okay so there is a tendency for people who go real crazy while writing something and they prefer to end their sentences with as many !!! as possible. When they do that their fingers sometimes slip from the caps key and some ! come out as 1 looking like !!!111 1 11 !!! in the middle of that you have 1 and 11 which were meant to be ! and !! but turned out that way because the person was just soooooo angry.
And when we see someone doing that or if you think someone has some artificial anger we say end our sarcastic remarks on their problem with “einself” or “1eins11elf” or other variants.
And as I also mentioned when someone is being whiny we say “mimimimimimi” sounding like Beaker from The Muppets, to mock their whininess.
Hm. To me that’s basically using two kinds of punctuation next to each other. Both the comma and the ellipsis indicate something coming next, so why would you need both?
The latter one. And since an hour I haven’t got any further. We should ask Ron if he could present some advertisements on these pages and give us the money. So we could earn money just with going off-topic the whole day. Full stop.
That’s why I said ‘if’ they are completing a sentence
We wouldn’t use a comma there – as I said it performs the same function as a bullet, so it’s not necessary. It may be a language variation thing like you say, though.