The Thimbleweed Park Manual of Style

Keep up, fish. :wink:


@sushi ain´t no babelfish, that´s fer sure…

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Well, there was an error in his too, I swear!
But my slow typing seem to have allowed him to correct it in the meantime.
Anyway, it was on purpose (but not out of character)

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That’s allowed in mathematical iterations like 1, 2, 3, ..., 10

From the typographical point of view you have to insert a space between the last character and the ellipse:

Huey …

You have to omit the space if you “cut off” a word, for examp…

Can´t we all just agree that putting a full stop after an ellipsis is contradictory because it is like indicating there was something more but then stating there really is not?

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Yes, but question marks and exclamation marks are allowed:

He said …!
What’s the …?

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In that case however the … stands for “yada-yada-yada” (i.e. leaving out something specific instead of leaving an ending unclear).

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That’s why the full stop after the elision is beatiful. It sums up the human nature.



The correct way of spelling that is !!!!1111einz.


“eins” please. And “elf” is missing too …

It’s not real eins zwei Polizei, it’s meme einz. And no, there’s not supposed to be an elf. :frowning:

image you racist!