I don’t use Twitter much but I thought that it would have been useful for me to create a Twitter list that contains adventure games developers/professionals, so that I can periodically have a look at a very on-topic adventure-game specific stream of news/thoughts/tweets (ahah, I’m joking. People publish unrelated/random stuff in any case).
Do you have any suggestion about who I should add to the list? Both human beings and companies are welcome.
Me too, I’m not really a game developer/designer nor I work for dev teams but I’m using Twitter to share my projects. Nevertheless creating games or having game ideas is fun, less fun maybe is trying to sell them, anyway, you can add me (anything on google that goes under Gabarts digital).
Ben Chandler, a graphic artist. He works with Wadjet Eye but also writes interesting things about graphics in old adventure games. https://twitter.com/ben_304
And a bonus account - this guy post gifs of deaths in adventure games (mostly Sierra, duh). This is the stuff that makes me go back to Twitter. Hilarious. https://twitter.com/pointandgifadv