So, what do you think?
So, what do you think?
A release in 2018 would be awesome, of course.
Joking aside, if they really start to create another adventure game this year, I hope that it will have a point & click interface. But, they should include “fresh” ideas, because there have been so many discussions about why TWP didn’t reach a wider audience that it would be irrational not to rethink the game’s concept. Also, Ron himself wrote that he would not use a verbs UI once again and that he had some ideas in terms of the GUI. So, I’m also curious about what he has in mind with the UI.
Very unlikely to see anything in 2018… It’s also not clear what type of game he will make next
OK, thanks for the answers ! (and the 11-hour youtube video ) I guess no one has a clue then. haha
Bye now