What is the best way to handle "Reply" Posts in this forum

I expect them to just show up under the original post you are replying to, but they seem to show up both there, and as a new post as well. I guess I should always click on the button to “Quote whole post” when I’m replying and I need the context from the original post?

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You can see in my answer that is a reply to you, because your avatar is shown in the upper-right corner.

no, it´s not :slight_smile: for me

Just relax, and reply.
You’ll find it works - if not conventionally - just fine.

I have no idea, this is all new to me as well.

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in another thread I saw what Zak is talking about. But not here. I answered to him, but can´t see I did it.

Who cares, reading downwards, it worked for me in forums all the time.

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Just relax and rep… oh I just did that…
Once you find the right links, you’ll see you will see the original posts if you need them. This is not conventional tree-like forum.

It looks like the repliers are displayed in the wrong area. They should rather be visible in the comment above the replies themselves, instead of the subsequent comment.

Ah, I got it!
The replies are marked with a “Reply” in the original post, but not immediately visible.
Instead, they are visible anyway at the bottom of the messages list.
And I love that edit button!

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I still don´t get it
Edit: I just replied to you again. can´t see that.

Test. This is a reply

Clicked on Tlammert

You mean the “reply” link on the left of a comment. That makes sense! But, the author names top right are still a mystery to me. Neither are the respective comments the reply nor are they quoted there.

PS: Thank you, “edit” button!

Seems like all the posts are replies to the topic.
When you reply to the latest reply the reply is the same as if you hit the yellow reply button. Only if you reply to a former reply you see that indent that shows your reply is in relation to a former reply.

Now I got it! Well, it’s actually very logical.

Yes, I see what you mean. I think when my reply is to an older post on the timeline, I will quote the post (as I’ve done here) to make it clearer. It is helpful to look at the top right of a post to see that it’s a reply to another post. Part of my confusion was just getting used to a new environment. But I can see now by the responses to this topic, I wasn’t the only one.

Also, I found an interesting discussion on Discourse’s (the tool used for this site) method of handling replies: https://meta.discourse.org/t/threaded-vs-flat-discourses-way-of-handling-responses-is-genius-but-i-have-one-small-suggestion/4053