What would you put in Room 101?

:door: working when I want to be on the forum


:door: Messing up on something job application related in a really stupid preventable way.

:door: whispering

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:loudspeaker: WHY?


BECAUSE IT’S REALLY DISTRACTING! And I want to know what they’re saying, hurrumph.


Buy some spy equipment… :male_detective:


Whispering often gives me ASMR, just in my head. Also distracting, but a nice one :relaxed:


That’s so weird! ‘Low-grade euphoria’ eh? I need to get me some of that.


I read the wikipedia link 'cause I had no idea what that is. The introduction of the article wasn’t clarifying much either.
But then I stumbled on “brain orgasm” :open_mouth:
Really?? (:shushing_face: good for you :shushing_face:)

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I think LGR vids have an ASMR aspect to them. :wink:

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Last year I was looking for an unboxing video. The only result was an ASMR one that was all about the crinkling and other noises related to opening a package. It was a bit much for me. :rofl:

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:door: reading a whole Wikipedia article on ASMR and still having no clue what it is

(note: in the article forum names are mentioned - as if these are actual names of people. So who knows, in a few years there is a Wikipedia article featuring our TWP forum names… :thinking: Now what would that article be about? :thinking: “Off-Topic”? :smile: )


‘Millions of years ago, people visited ‘forums’, areas online where they could chat. Many of these originated from crowdfunded video games, such as the Thimbleweed Park forum, which near-imploded shortly after a topic was started about politics. Only one member, Zak Phoenix McKracken, remained on the forum until his death.’

See also: Zak Phoenix McKracken, first man to accurately dream the time and incident of his death.


Don’t read, just experience. With headphones.

PS I don’t think it’s that interesting. In any case besides the whispering there are some common ASMR tropes around 8:00.

For some reason I read that as “originated from overfunded crowd games” for a split second.

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I read that as ‘originated from overcrowded fun games’.

Who’s feeling dizzy?

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still no ASMR though :joy:


Yep, got that tingly feeling in my head :smile:

but then… ow :persevere:
Here’s a weird thing I have: if I hear loud or “sharp” sounds focused in my left ear, often it makes me tense up on my left side. It’s a little painful. It’s some kind of sound sensitivity that isn’t that well-known (nothing to do with ASMR), that I’ve had since I was young.

:door: weird annoying sound sensitivity in my left ear


(liking in the sense of sympathising)


I listened to the whole thing. With headphones.
A few observations:
-I was expecting a loud noise to give me a jumpscare the whole time.
-Or :ransome: it’s Ransome the *beeping* clown!
-I still don’t get what it is supposed to trigger
-I didn’t feel anything tingling in my brain or on my skin
I’m an insensitive jerk.

I do get the creeps or goosebumps when I hear certain sounds in thriller games (like the last door) or movies (the Others)
Or good goosebumps from certain music/a capella.
Is ASMR supposed to be something like that?

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