Where does Thimbleweed Park rank for you?

Maybe it was intentional, to drive @ZakPhoenixMcKracken crazy.

Anyway, I have no idea how to write the name of this character. To respect @ZakPhoenixMcKracken’s sensibility, every time I have to write it, I copy and paste it from Wikipedia.

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You know how I say that Zak McKracken has Lovecraftian elements? Maybe Zak McKraken is a Deep One.

Wikipedia isn’t always right, so unless you e.g. check the move-history of that article a better source would be @ZakPhoenixMcKracken’s profile… or mine :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wouldn´t have checked, hadn´t you said that. Nicely played, sir! :joy:

Eh… checking @ZakPhoenixMcKracken’s profile would have been a bad idea, because the name of the game is wrong:

Well, guess you are right:

You people are vicious…I like it! :japanese_ogre: : :thumbsup:

If you like English, repeat this refrain: "THREE monKEYS TO SEE (3 K, 2 C)
In italian, this one: “DUE CInesi sCAPPAno TREmando”

… or any of your like :blush:

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:reyes: :fearful:

:franklin: :scream:

You little rascals!!
But you are two of my favourite TWP users, so I forgive you. :smiling_face::grin:


Adesso ti becchi il tapiro pure tu… :smiley:

(Qui monstro maris ferit, monstro maris perit)

Guarda che mi hanno fatto uno scherzo, hanno modificato loro l’immagine del mio profilo :smiley:

Too late! :smiley:

Naaaah, I would have never believed that.

Anyway, congratulations for your editing skills, @LowLevel and @Nor_Treblig!!!

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Google Translate says…

“Now you touch the Tapir, as well…”


You´ve got some funny sayings you italians…

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That’s why I couldn’t translate it… you’re missing the background, it’s an in-joke which refers to a popular TV show.


How can I explain… the “Golden Tapir” is a prize acknowledged for outstanding achievement in the field of… FAIL!


The correct translation is “Now you’ll get the tapir, as well”

Is the name of this show “Facciamo un affare”?

The german name of that show would be “Geh aufs Ganze!” and the Animal would be “Der Zonk”, which is an animal that does not exist.

Zonk Sound

I have never been able to separate MI3 and Fate of Atlantis as my number one over the years.

MI1 is very close to both of them. Last Crusade is excellent.

Enjoyed Day of the Tentacle too very much.

I have only played 1 hour of TWP so far but I genuinely believe it is in the company of those great games. It gives me the feeling. It has the magic.

More please!

Hi @FesterShinetop, welcome to the forum! I have read “only played 1 hour” and I wanted to tell you: be careful to roam this forums before completing the game, because there are spoilers here and there. :slight_smile:

Most of the time the title of the thread clearly suggests that the discussion is intended for those who have already finished the game, but other times an apparently innocuous topic contains important revelations or surprises.

Enjoy the game!

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Nope, the TV show is named “Striscia la notizia”, it’s a satirical TG, and when someone makes an “epic fail”, the staff gives him a little prize resembling a tapir.
Because, in a common way of saying, when someone feels in a bad mood, we say he’s “tapired”, that is, like the mood of a tapir.

In this episode, Roberto Benigni made an Epic Fail (he had his driving license retired after overtaking some cars in Rome), so he was given a golden tapir: