50 ways to tell you are an adventure game geek

One of those four you mentioned, will be my friend’s cosplay :smiling_face:

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We want pics!

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Aw, I was hoping you’d go as a Tron machine :laughing:


Join us, Ema! It will be a lovely day!
The event is at Parco Giardino Sigurtà:

  1. When you don’t know what to say in the middle of a discussion, and use your magic “I am rubber, you are glue” to escape the conversation.

Please don’t tell us, that you did exactly this… :slight_smile:

I won’t tell :smiley:

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Oooooh I’ve just worked out who you’re going as from Twitter :smile: definitely post some pics!

  1. when reading posts by other users, involving your favourite Lucasfilm main character, you double-check its correct spelling, especially “C” and “K” letters.
  1. When you go ahead and order the box edition and the artbook on fangamer, even though you swore to never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game.
  1. You are so excited while waiting for the Fangamer delivery, that you can’t count properly from 45 to 47.

Since we´re reaching the end here and in lights of the recent off topic discussion, I´d just like to add to all of these great points, some things I like about this community in particular:

  • Being able to converse with people from around the world and learning new perspectives.
  • Talking with nice people about things you love, because they love it at least as much as you do.
  • Being able to converse with your childhood heroes like @RonGilbert and @David and finding out they´re actually the nicest people, too!
  • Knowing you made people interested in something, or laugh or even smile feels nice.
  • People actually understand what I´m blabbering about, most of the time.
  • People judge me by what I have to say and not by what I am or am not.
  • It (kinda, sorta) helps me cope with my depression.

So, thanks and stuff…!

  1. You found more then 50 ways.
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  1. Thinking that people actually understand what you are blabbering about, most of the time, just because they share an affinity to a game and it’s forum.

LOL! Sorry, couldn’t resist. :laughing:


XX. (I lost the count):

When you read “I played MI2 a few years ago with my GF” and the first meaning of “GF” that comes to your mind is “Grim Fandango”.


Ghost Friend. :franklin:

  1. When your 10-year-old walks around saying, “What the beep?” (True story.)

Still better than “god father” which was my best guess.

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My God father actually introduced me to computer gaming ahah (via the C64).
He made me an offer that I, as a child, couldn’t refuse.


That’s a requirement to be accepted on the list.